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Farming a new trend
What does one do after graduation? Search for jobs of course, and then the hunt for the cozy apartment begins. The new bees will happily cramp in with five other....

Grace W
Cut in schooling budgets
 Recession has hit the schools too. The world is suffering from the global melt down and the economic slow down. Along with the major multinationals, the schools....

Jan R
Facing challenges entering college
 Today we all require a degree of some sort. High school education is not enough anymore. Also the transition from the school environment to the university....

College Student struggle with economic downturn
Higher learning or college education is not an easy thing to do. It costs a lot of money and not everyone can live up to this requirement. There are....

More Brownie Points….
College life is becoming more and more complicated with coming year. It is also getting more and more expensive. Recently, I read this article in the....

Grace W
How to Leave Residence Life
It is now time for graduates and their parents to pack up the dorm room and head back home. Residence has been their home for at least three years or longer, depending....

Commencement Speeches
For the most part, commencement speeches should be no longer than 15 minutes in duration. It is an honor to be chosen to deliver a speech at a university's commencement.....

Jamie K
Internet Surfing Might be Okay
With no particular university or class in mind, professors are finding that their students are becoming quite proficient at using their laptops during lectures.....

University of Florida Dean very Gracious
So often we hear about the money grabbing universities and their deans trying to get a larger piece of the pie during our tough economic times. Everyone and anyone....

President Obama Shrugs off Snub At Arizona
President Obama, with his typical flair for humor and tongue in cheek, did not allow the snub of not receiving an honorary degree at Arizona State bother him in....

Grace W
Burden of Student Loans
As the pomp and ceremony grasps everyone including students, parents and relatives, many have a heavy burden at the back of their mind. It is not the commencement....

Student Loans Agency sent a Private Email
It finally happened. The office which is in charge of Student Loan information mistakenly sent private information....

Jan R
Prankster Athletes in Trouble
Two students at Central Connecticut State University and one former football student are on interim suspension for causing....

Jamie K
The End of Insurance Coverage
Most parents and students don't realize that at the time of graduation and during commencement excitement, most of the students have lost their coverage in family....

Wikipedia wins over Journalism
An Irish journalism student put the much loved Wikipedia online source to the test when he added a quote to the biography of composer, Maurice....

Grace W
Homework is a Trick
In a recent study, many students do not bother to do their required readings and very few arrive at class prepared having done any homework whatsoever. As....

Jamie K
Acceptance into University is not Guaranteed
You are not Necessarily Accepted into University! Due to the overly high number of enrolments....

Jan R
Zinkhan's Body is Found
The body of the College professor, who shot three people about a week ago at an outdoor theater in Athens, has been found. He had shot his ex-wife....

Parent's Dilemma
Where is it written that all children must attend university or college as soon as they graduate post secondary school?  In today’s....

Jamie K
Bristol Palin Speaks out
Bristol Palin, the teenage daughter of Sarah Palin, has come forward as an advisor to teens to practice abstinence. I think....


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