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  • Burden of Student Loans
  • Posted By:
  • Karen W.
  • Posted On:
  • 13-May-2009
  • As the pomp and ceremony grasps everyone including students, parents and relatives, many have a heavy burden at the back of their mind. It is not the commencement speech given by a dignitary or the length of time it will take for 4000 plus students to walk across the stage to receive their degree, but a far heavier burden. That of student loans to repay!

    You are not forgiven in any sense of the word what you owe to the government agencies or the private institutions from whom you borrowed money. You have studied and worked to graduate with a B.A. or a law or medical degree and now you have to pay the piper. Most students owe between $40,000 to over $120,000 in loans which is ridiculously high.

    By the end of a law or medical degree you might be married with one or two children or your spouse also has student loans so that is also an added burden. To set up practice anywhere takes money for an office, supplies and staff. If you article or intern with anyone you are expected to work long hours and make do with a small wage. There is no way to get out of this ditch you have dug yourself into.

    Some students will have tried to claim personal bankruptcy if they have not found a job, but that is very hard to do in this day and age. The government does not sit well with this motion. Your monthly payments are often twice the amount of your minimum wage job and it is hard to make ends meet. Obama has promised to make changes to the Student Loan circumstances but that will take a year or two to pass and it is too late for this year's bulk of graduates.

    If anyone has an answer please let us know!


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