
Managing the Innovation Process >> Content Detail



Class Participation

Each student will be expected to come to class prepared to actively participate in discussions. In particular, the reflection exercise will be collected as a measure of participation and as a way for the instructor to get to know each student.

Online Forum

An online forum has been set up on the course Web site to facilitate discussion of the required readings outside of class. Before the first class session each week, students will post one thought-provoking question to each required reading (2 posts per student). Before the second class session each week, student will reply to one post for each required reading (2 posts per student). Thus, students should contribute 4 messages each week.

Case Analysis

Once a week, 3-4 person groups (assigned by the instructor each week) will be responsible for completing an in-class case analysis. The analysis should integrate previous experiences and materials from required readings, activities, and lectures. In fairness to other group members, students should read the case thoroughly before coming to class.

Book Review

Each student will choose one book from the list of suggested books (or another one approved by the instructor) and complete a 3-5 page book review. Book reviews should apply concepts learned in class to the ideas presented in the book.

Final Paper

The final 10-15 page paper will give students the chance to more closely examine a weekly topic from the course. A list of supplemental readings is provided and the paper should include citations from the selected week. The final paper may take one of three forms:

  • Case Study - illustrate how experiences in a company relate to one of the weekly topics
  • Critical Essay - write an analytical assessment of one of the weekly topics
  • Research Report - empirically investigate an idea related to one of the weekly topics

Class Participation - 15%
Online Forum - 15%
Case Analysis - 40%
Book Review - 10%
Final Paper - 20%

Innovation Points
To encourage regular feedback and the ongoing integration of new ideas into the course, students will receive an "innovation point" for each suggested innovation that is implemented during the semester. Course innovations can include novel improvements to the online forum, exposure to unique web resources, and original activities for fostering classroom interaction. The key to a successful innovation is that, at a minimum, it benefits all students in the class. Innovation points accumulated throughout the semester will be applied to the Final Paper. For example, if you received an 88/100 on the Final Paper, and earned 2 innovation points during the semester, then your grade would be bumped up to a 90/100. In addition, you will be recognized in front of your peers for making an innovative contribution to the course. Happy innovating!



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