
Materials Processing >> Content Detail



This course is part of the new DMSE Undergraduate Curriculum. It is to be taught in the Spring semester of the Junior year, and takes the place of Transport Phenomena (3.185), but has quite different goals. Where 3.185 taught transport phenomena (diffusion, heat conduction, fluid dynamics, and heat and mass transfer), 3.044 will teach cost-effective and sustainable production of solid material with a desired geometry, structure or distribution of structures, and production volume. With such a different starting point, the entire organization of the course has been re-thought; and with several new goals, many of the topics taught in 3.185 have been removed.

This document provides a first cut at an organizational framework intended to best satisfy the new goals of 3.044, while drawing on the pedagogical lessons learned in the course of teaching similar topics in 3.185.

Materials Processing in the New DMSE Undergraduate Curriculum (PDF)

This document contains supporting statements for ABET accreditation.

3.044 ABET Statements (PDF)


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