
Introduction to Observational Physical Oceanography >> Content Detail




Prof. Raffaele Ferrari

Dr. Terrence Joyce

Course Description

This course covers topics like: Observational physical oceanography, physical description of the sea, physical properties of seawater, methods and measurements, wind-driven ocean circulation, abyssal ocean circulation, boundary processes, and wave motions.

The mathematics and physics required for admission to the graduate curriculum in the WHOI/MIT Joint Program or consent of the instructor. The physical oceanography curriculum includes core courses (of which 12.808 is a part), mathematics courses, and electives. Each student formulates a program of studies with the assistance of academic advisors drawn from both MIT and WHOI.

Students are expected to attend research seminars and to complete widespread independent reading of the literature. The core curriculum is intended to provide the minimum, essential foundation in dynamics for students pursuing research in physical oceanography.

Course Organization

Homework: 5 homework assignments = 30% of grade

Presentations: Researching one type of measurement system used in physical oceanography = 30% of grade

Exam: Final exam at the end of class = 30% of grade


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