
Introduction to Observational Physical Oceanography >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

Special software is required to use some of the files in this section: .m, .mat, .loc, .ctd, .lad, .zip.

Additional files related to the lectures are available below the table.

1Some Physical Properties of Sea Water (PDF)
2Rotation 101: Some Basics (PDF)
3Rotation 101 (cont.): Effects of Rotation on a Sphere: f- and β-planes (PDF)

Earth's Gravity Field and Sea Level (PDF)
4Ekman layers, Friction and Geostrophic Flow (PDF)
5Wind-Driven Circulation: Stommel's Gyre and Sverdrup's Balance (PDF)
6Stress in the Ocean (PDF)
7Observations of the Gulf Stream in the N. Atlantic (PDF)
8Global Hydrographic Climatology (PDF)

Supporting Files
atlas_test.m (M)
ghc_Ni.mat (MAT - 21.1 MB)
ghc_Oxkg.mat (MAT - 21.1 MB)
ghc_Ph.mat (MAT - 21.1 MB)
ghc_pr.mat (MAT - 63.4 MB)
ghc_Sil.mat (MAT - 21.1 MB)
9Equatorial Twists to Mid-Latitude Dynamics (PDF)
10The Large Scale Thermohaline Circulation: Some Thermodynamics (PDF)
11The Thermohaline Circulation (PDF)
12Another Wrinkle on Observations of the Abyssal Ocean: Geothermal Heating and Hydrothermal Vents (PDF)
13Tidal Forces (PDF)
14Introduction to "Waves" and Time Dependent Motion (PDF)
15Internal Waves (PDF)
16Final Exam

Additional Files

coriolis.m (M) (ZIP) (The ZIP file contains: 38 .m files.)


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