
Graduate Biochemistry >> Content Detail



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Two sessions / week
2 hours / session

Required Texts

There is no required text. You should have a good undergraduate Biochemistry text (Stryer, Rawn, Voet & Voet, Matthews & van Holde, etc.). In addition, several copies of:

Amazon logo Creighton, T. E. Proteins: Structure and Molecular Properties. 2nd ed. New York, NY: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1992. ISBN: 9780716770305.

Amazon logo Fersht, Alan. Enzyme Structure and Mechanism. 2nd ed. New York, NY: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1985. ISBN: 9780716716143.

Amazon logo Kyte, Jack. Mechanism in Protein Chemistry. New York, NY: Routledge, 1995. ISBN: 9780815317005.

Amazon logo ———. Structure in Protein Chemistry. New York, NY: Routledge, 1995. ISBN: 9780815317012. 

These will be in the reserve room of the library. These address some of the topics that we will cover and serve as a good alternative source of information. Class material will also be posted on the 7.51 homepage.

Exams and Problem Sets

There will be a quiz, two exams during the semester and a final exam. All exams will be closed book but you may bring one page (8.5 x 11 in.) of notes, equations, etc. to the exam. Problem sets will be given out most weeks. These will not be graded or collected but doing them is important. Answers will be supplied. Collaboration with others is allowed on problem sets.


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