
Ethical Practice: Professionalism, Social Responsibility, and the Purpose of the Corporation >> Content Detail

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Course introduction
1What is business ethics?

Dees, J. Gregory, and Jaan Elias. "The Normative Foundations of Business." Harvard Business School Note. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing. Note: 9-897-012, June 10, 1997.

Werhane, Patricia H. "A Note on Moral Imagination." Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Darden School Foundation, Darden Case No.: UVA-E-0114-SSRN, 1997.

Personal and professional practice
2The theory

Nanda, Ashish. "Who Is a Professional?" Harvard Business School Note. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing. Note: 9-904-047, December 16, 2003.

Carr, Albert Z. "Is Business Bluffing Ethical?" Harvard Business Review 46 (1968): 143-153.

3The reality

Badaracco, Joseph, and Jerry Useem. "Kathryn McNeil (A)." Harvard Business School Case. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing. Case: 9-394-111, February 10, 1994.

———. "Kathryn McNeil (B)." Harvard Business School Case. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing. Case: 9-394-112, February 10, 1994.

4A question of character

Badaracco, Joseph. "Personal Values and Professional Responsibilities." Harvard Business School Note. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing. Note: 9-304-070, January 12, 2004.

———. "The Discipline of Building Character." Harvard Business Review 76, no. 2 (1998): 115-124.

5Reports from the field
Corporate social responsibility
6Definitions and strategiesPaine, Lynn Sharp. "Corporate Purpose and Responsibility." Harvard Business School Note. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing. Note: 9-396-201, December 08, 1995.
7Clash of valuesKhurana, Rakesh, Joel Podolny, and Jaan Elias. "Veridian: Putting a Value on Values." Harvard Business School Case. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing. Case: 9-406-028, February 09, 2006.
8Constructing the global marketplaceAbrami, Regina. "Worker Rights and Global Trade: The U.S.-Cambodia Bilateral Textile Trade Agreement." Harvard Business School Case. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing. Case: 9-703-034, March 31, 2003.
9Corporate culture and individual responsibility

Gibney, Alex. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room. USA, 2005. Film.

Amazon logo Bakan, Joel. The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power. New York, NY: Free Press, 2005, pp. 56-59. ISBN: 9780743247467.

Amazon logo Schelling, Thomas C. "The Marketplace Is No Excuse." In Choice and Consequence. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007, pp. 53-56. ISBN: 9780674127715.

The purpose of a corporation

Plato. The Republic, Part II, Book II (selections).

Aristotle. The Politics, Book I: 9-10.

11A new corporate life?

Amazon logo Frank, Robert H. "What Price the Moral High Ground?" In What Price the Moral High Ground? Ethical Dilemmas in Competitive Environments. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005, pp. 71-91. ISBN: 9780691124018.

Amazon logo Hawken, Paul, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins. "Once Upon a Planet." In Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution. San Francisco, CA: Back Bay Books, 2000, pp. 309-322. ISBN: 9780316353007.

12A critique of capital

Amazon logo De Tocqueville, Alexis. Democracy in America. Chicago, IL: University Of Chicago Press, 2002. ISBN: 9780226805368.

Handy, Charles. "Toqueville Revisited: The Meaning of American Prosperity." Harvard Business Review 79, no. 1 (2001): 57-63.

Soros, George. "The Capitalist Threat." The Atlantic Monthly 279, no. 2 (1997): 45-55.

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