
Ethical Practice: Professionalism, Social Responsibility, and the Purpose of the Corporation >> Content Detail



The study questions for each session are presented below:

Course introduction
1What is business ethics? (PDF)
Personal and professional practice
2The theory (PDF)2-page write-up: "What are my ethical principles in business?" due two days after Ses #2
3The reality (PDF)
4A question of character (PDF)Team paper 1 due two days after Ses #4
5Reports from the field (PDF)

Panel on Business and the Professions

Team paper 2 due two days after Ses #5

Corporate social responsibility
6Definitions and strategies (PDF)
7Clash of values (PDF)Team paper 3 due two days after Ses #7
8Constructing the global marketplace (PDF)
9Corporate culture and individual responsibility (PDF)Team paper 4 due two days after Ses #9
The purpose of a corporation
10Beginnings (PDF)
11A new corporate life? (PDF)Team paper 5 due two days after Ses #11
12A critique of capital (PDF)
13Next steps (PDF)

Reports from the field: In a small team meeting in advance of the last class, each student tells the story of an ethical challenge he/she faced in the workplace. Teams pick one story for oral presentation in class, with a random selection of teams presenting.

Final paper due, 7-10 pages: Revisit your two-page introductory essay, and explore how your statement now looks, refracted through the materials we covered during H2 and the story that you presented to your team before the last class.


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