
Analyzing and Accounting for Regional Economic Change >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


The Readings column refers to the readings sections and associated readings listed on the readings page.

Regional Economic Theories
2Neoclassical Regional Growth and Location Theories, Part III.A
3Neoclassical Regional Growth and Location Theories, Part IIII.A
4Alternative Regional Growth and Location TheoriesII.B
5Accounting for the Economic Base of a RegionII.CProblem set 1 due
6Influence of Globalization on Factor MobilityII.D
7Deindustrialization and RestructuringII.E
8Agglomeration and Dispersion Economies, Part I
(Supply chains and Cross-national Sourcing Arrangements)
9Agglomeration and Dispersion Economies, Part II
(Globalization: Development Opportunity or Hindrance)
10Guest Speaker
11Spatial Dispersion of Innovation, Part I
(Theories of Information Technology and Communication)
Regional, Interregional, and Multiregional Input-Output Accounts
12Spatial Dispersion of Innovation, Part II
(Measurement Issues)
II.IProblem set 2 due
13Overview of Regional Economic Accounting StructuresIII.A
14Regional and Multiregional Accounting Structures, Part IIII.B
15Regional and Multiregional Accounting Structures, Part IIIII.B
16Uses of Accounts: Linkage AnalysesIV.AProblem set 3 due
17Uses of Accounts: Economic and Environmental Multipliers, Part IIV.B
18Uses of Accounts: Economic and Environmental Multipliers, Part IIIV.B
19Uses of Accounts: Social Accounting Matrices, Structural Analyses and ForecastingIV.C
20Accounting Issues and Concepts: Boundaries, Part I
21Accounting Issues and Concepts: Boundaries, Part II
(Environmental Accounting)
V.BProblem set 4 due
22Accounting Issues and Concepts: Boundaries, Part III
(Underground Economy)
Techniques for Evaluating Structural Change
23Shift-Share AnalysesVI.A
24Price IndicesVI.B
25Employment and Productivity MeasuresVI.C, DProblem set 5 due
26Last Day of Classes


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