Course Highlights
HST.410J / 6.07J Projects in Microscale Engineering for the Life Sciences
Spring 2007

Members of the class inspect one of the wafers they created in lab. (Image by A. Aranyosi.)
Course Description
This course is a project-based introduction to manipulating and characterizing cells and biological molecules using microfabricated tools. It is designed for first year undergraduate students. In the first half of the term, students perform laboratory exercises designed to introduce (1) the design, manufacture, and use of microfluidic channels, (2) techniques for sorting and manipulating cells and biomolecules, and (3) making quantitative measurements using optical detection and fluorescent labeling. In the second half of the term, students work in small groups to design and test a microfluidic device to solve a real-world problem of their choosing. Includes exercises in written and oral communication and team building.
Special Features
Technical Requirements
Special software is required to use some of the files in this course: .m.
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This course content is a redistribution of MIT Open Courses. Access to the course materials is free to all users.