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The readings for the class come primarily from the instructor's own text: Amazon logo Sussman, Joseph. Perspectives on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). New York, NY: Springer, 2005. ISBN: 0387232575. Along with the sections listed by session, you should be sure to read the following sections as general reference: III.1, III.2, IV.2, IV.6, IV.10. Additional readings for each class are also provided.

1Introduction to ITSRequired Readings

I.1, V.2

Additional Readings

Francois, Francis B. "Introduction." Chapter 1 in Intelligent Transportation Primer. Washington, DC: Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2000.

Nelson, Donna. "ITS Systems, Applications and Programs." Chapter 3 in Intelligent Transportation Primer. Washington, DC: Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2000.

Sussman, Joseph M. "Intelligent Transportation Systems." Chapter 24 in Introduction to Transportation Systems. Boston, MA: Artech House Publishers, 2000.

Shladover, Steven E. "Introducing Intelligent Transportation Systems: Paradigm for 21st Century Transportation." TR News 218, January-February 2002.
2Introduction to ITS (cont.)
3Introduction to ITS (cont.)
4Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS)Required Readings

IV.9, IV.13

Additional Readings

McQueen, Bob, Rick Schuman, and Kan Chen. Chapters 2 and 3 in Advanced Traveler Information Systems. Boston, MA: Artech House, 2002.

Zimmerman, Carol. "Advanced Traveler Information Systems." Chapter 5 in Intelligent Transportation Primer. Washington, DC: Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2000.

McQueen, Bob, Rick Schuman, and Kan Chen. Chapters 4 and 5 in Advanced Traveler Information Systems. Boston, MA: Artech House, 2002.
5ATIS (cont.)
6Smartroute Site VisitJeff Larson and Cindy Campbell, Smartroute SystemsRequired Readings

IV.9, IV.13

Additional Readings

McQueen, Bob, Rick Schuman, and Kan Chen. Chapters 2 and 3 in Advanced Traveler Information Systems. Boston, MA: Artech House, 2002.

Zimmerman, Carol. "Advanced Traveler Information Systems." Chapter 5 in Intelligent Transportation Primer. Washington, DC: Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2000.

McQueen, Bob, Rick Schuman, and Kan Chen. Chapters 4 and 5 in Advanced Traveler Information Systems. Boston, MA: Artech House, 2002.
7Student Report-out on Smartroute Site VisitRequired Readings

IV.9, IV.13
8ATISJane Lappin and Sean Pierce, Volpe National Transportation CenterRequired Readings

IV.9, IV.13

Additional Readings

Lappin, Jane, and Sean Peirce. "A Qualitative Assessment of Customer Response to Online Traffic Information Services in Greater Los Angeles: Part I of a Two-Part Customer Satisfaction Evaluation." Cambridge, MA: Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. Draft Report, December 15, 2001.

———. "Why don't more people use advanced traveler information? Evidence from the Seattle area." Cambridge, MA: Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. Draft Report, January 2004.
9Advanced Transportation Management Systems (ATMS)Jon Bottom, Charles River AssociatesRequired Readings

IV.9, IV.13

Additional Readings

Lieu, Henry. A Roadmap for the Research, Development and Deployment of Traffic Estimation and Prediction Systems for Real-Time and Off-Line Applications (TREPS, TREPS-P). Travel Management Team, Office of Operations RD&T, Federal Highway Administration, 2003. (PDF)

Ben-Akiva, Moshe, Michel Bierlaire, Jon Bottom, Haris Koutsopoulos, and Rabi Mishalani. Development of a Route Guidance Generation System for Real-Time Application. (PDF)

Haitham Al-Deek, and Adib Kanafani. "Modeling the Benefits of Advanced Traveler Information Systems in Corridors with Incidents." Transportation Research C 1, no. 4 (1993): 303-324.

Kalidas, Ashok, and Moshe Ben-Akiva. "Dynamic Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation and Prediction for Real-Time Traffic Management Systems." In Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory. Edited by Carlos F. Daganzo. New York, NY: Elsevier. 1993, pp. 465-484.

Emmerink, Richard M., Kay W. Axhausen, Peter Nijkamp, and Piet Rietveld. "The Potential of Information Provision in a Simulated Road Transport Network with Non-Recurrent Congestion." Transportation Research C 3, no. 5 (1995): 293-309.

Hall, Randolph W. "Route Choice and Advanced Traveler Information Systems on a Capacitated and Dynamic Network." Transportation Research C 4, no. 5 (1996): 289-306.

Watling, David, and Tom van Vuren. "The Modeling of Dynamic Route Guidance Systems." Transportation Research C 1, no. 2 (1993): 159-182.

See also a web page that focuses on two dynamic traffic assignment and route guidance generation software systems developed with FHWA funding:

- DYNASMART, originally developed by a team led by Hani Mahmassani at the University of Texas at Austin (and now being pursued at the University of Maryland);

- DynaMIT, developed by a team led by Moshe Ben-Akiva at MIT.
10Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS)Required Readings

11ITS and FlexibilityJosh McConnell, MITRequired Readings


Additional Readings

Richeson, Kim, and Valerie B. Barnes. "Commercial Vehicle Operations and Freight Movement." Chapter 9 in Intelligent Transportation Primer. Washington, DC: Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2000.

Orban, John E. "What Have We Learned About ITS for Commercial Vehicle Operations?" Chapter 6 in What Have We Learned About Intelligent Transportation Systems? Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, 2000.
12Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO)Brad Wright and William Guiffre, Cambridge SystematicsRequired Readings

13ITS and Customer-centricityTom Horan, Claremont Graduate SchoolAdditional Readings

A letter from Thomas Horan, Executive Director and Associate Professor, School of Information Science, Claremont Graduate University, to Emil Frankel, Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC. (Unpublished.)

Horan, Thomas. "Integrating the End User into Infrastructure Systems: A Customer Centric Approach to the Design and Function of Intelligent Transportation Systems." (Unpublished.)
14ITS Massachusetts Annual Meeting
15Student Report-out on ITS Massachusetts Annual Meeting
16ITS and the EnvironmentRebecca Dodder, MITAdditional Readings

Miller, Charles. "A Discussion of Intelligent Transportation Systems Environmental Impacts." ITE Journal on the Web, February 1999.

Jordan, Daniel, and Thomas Horan. "Intelligent Transportation Systems and Sustainable Communities: Findings of a National Study." Transportation Research Record, Paper No. 971098.

Dodder, Rebecca S. "A Systems Framework for Assessing Air Quality Impacts of ITS: Application to Mexico City." 2004. (PDF)

Additional Reading for those especially interested:

Kayssi, Issam A. "Guidelines on Integrating Environmental Impact Evaluation in Future ITS Deployment Studies." March 4, 2004. (PDF)

Useful Web sites:

ITS Benefits and Costs website: Click on "benefits by measure," then "energy and environment."
17Congestion and Regional Operations Collaborations and Coordination (ROCC)Jonathan Gifford, George Mason UniversityAdditional Readings

Gifford, Jonathan. "Congestion and Its Discontents." Paper prepared for Access to Destinations: Rethinking the Transportation Future of Our Region President's 21st Century Interdisciplinary Conference Series. November 5, 2004.
18APTSAdditional Readings

Schulman, Larry. "Public Transit and ITS." Chapter 7 in Intelligent Transportation Primer. Washington, DC: Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2000.

Casey, Robert F. "What Have We Learned About Advanced Public Transportation Systems?" Chapter 5 in What Have We Learned About Intelligent Transportation Systems? Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, 2000.

Hickman, Mark. "Bus Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) Systems." Chapter 5 in Assessing the Benefits and Costs of ITS: Making the Business Case for ITS Investments. Edited by David Gillen, and David Levinson. Cambridge, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.

Giuliano, Genevieve, and Thomas O'Brien. "Beyond Benefits and Costs: Understanding Outcomes of ITS Deployments in Public Transit." Chapter 7 in Assessing the Benefits and Costs of ITS: Making the Business Case for ITS Investments. Cambridge, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
19Regional Operations and Planning Architecture (ROPA)Required Readings

II.1, II.3, IV.14

Additional Readings


Commonwealth of Massachusetts. "Regional ITS Architecture for Metropolitan Boston." January 2005. (PDF)

MA Executive Office of Transportation. "A Framework for Thinking -- A Plan for Action: Transportation in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts." (Full Reprint)


IBI Group. "Puget Sound Regional ITS Architecture." June 2001. (PDF)

IBI Group. "Puget Sound Regional Intelligent Transportation Systems Integration Strategy." April 6, 2001. (PDF)

Puget Sound Regional Council. "Destination 2030," "Long Range Transportation Plan." Updated May 2001.


Gilat, Michael, and Joseph Sussman. "Coordinated Transportation and Land Use Planning in the Developing World - The Case of Mexico City." (PDF)

Dodder, R. S. "ITS and Air Quality in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area." Unpublished Working Paper for the Integrated Program on Urban, Regional and Global Air Pollution, Cambridge, MA. 2004.

Gakenheimer, R., et. al. "Travel Demand Drivers: Mexico City, Mexico." Unpublished Working Paper, June 2003.

Ortiz Mantilla, B. (Forthcoming). Chapters 2 and 3 in Regional Planning and Operations Architecture as means to Foster Transportation Integration in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area. Cambridge, MA: Masters Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The World Bank. "Why Introduce ITS in countries with Developing and Transitional Economies?" Retrieved February 19, 2005.

Gakenheimer, R. L. T. Molina, et. al. "The MCMA Transportation System: Mobility and Air Pollution." Chapter 2 in Air Quality in the Mexico Megacity: An Integrated Assessment. Cambridge, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.

Additional General Readings

Architecture Development Team. "National ITS Architecture Executive Summary." Federal Highway Administration. October 2003.

Architecture Development Team. "National ITS Architecture ITS Vision Statement." Federal Highway Administration. October 2003.

Department of Transportation. "FHWA Rule on ITS Architecture and Standards." January 2001.

Department of Transportation. "FTA National ITS Architecture Policy on Transit Projects." January 2001.
20ROPA (cont.)
21ROPA (cont.)
22ROPA (cont.)
23ITS Policy Issues
24Class Wrap-upRequired Readings

IV.3, V.3
25-26Group Presentations


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