
Transportation Flow Systems >> Content Detail

Study Materials


Students enrolled in 1.225J were able to purchase a 'course reader' containing the required readings listed below.  Additional reference texts were put on reserve at MIT's libraries.

Contents of Course Reader

Part I: Traffic Flow Modeling
Cumulative Plots
Daganzo, C. F. Fundamentals of Transportation and Traffic Operations. Chapters 1 and 2. Pergamon Press-Elsevier Science, 1997. Pp. 11-20 and 25-29.
L2Airport Runway CapacityOdoni, A. R., J. M. Rousseau, and N. H. M. Wilson. "Models in Urban and Air Transportation." Chapter 5 in Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science: Volume 6 Operations Research and the Public Sector. Edited by S. M. Pollock, M. H. Rothkopf, and A. Barnett. North-Holland Press-Elsevier Science B. V., 1994. Pp. 107-128. (Except subsection 2.4)
L3Modeling Road TrafficGabard, J. F. "Car-Following Models." In Concise Encyclopedia of Traffic & Transportation Systems. Edited by M. Papageorgiou. Pergamon Press, 1991. Pp. 65-68.

Daganzo, C. F. "Fundamental Diagrams." In Fundamentals of Transportation and Traffic Operations. Pergamon Press-Elsevier Science, 1997. Pp. 80-93.

Cohen, S. "Flow Variables." In Concise Encylopedia of Traffic & Transportation Systems. Edited by M. Papageorgiou. Pergamon Press, 1991. P. 142.
R1Recitation 1
L4Network Model and Shortest PathsSheffi, Y. Urban Tranportation Networks. Prentice-Hall, 1985. Chapter 1. Subsection 1.20.

Larson, R. C., and A. R. Odoni. Urban Operations Research. Prentice-Hall, 1981. Chapter 6. Pp. 359-379.

Burkard, R. E. "Shortest Path Algorithms." In Concise Encyclopedia of Traffic and Transportation Systems. Edited by M. Papageorgiou. Pergamon Press, 1991. Pp. 461-468.

L5Traffic AssignmentSheffi, Y. Urban Tranportation Networks. Prentice-Hall, 1985. Chapter 1. Pp. 2-26. (Except transit related materials)

Daganzo, C. F. "Equilibrium Analysis." Chapter 5 in Fundamentals of Transportation and Traflic Operations. Pergamon Press-Elsevier Science, 1997. Pp. 198-209.
R2Recitation 2
L6Introduction to OptimizationDaganzo, C. F. Fundamentals of Transportation and Traffic Operations.Pergamon Press-Elsevier Science, 1997. Chapter 3. Pp. 47-65.
Part II: Traffic Flow Operations
L7Highway Control: Ramp MeteringWattleworth, J. A. "Peak-Period Analysis and Control of a Freeway System." Highway Research Record (1967): 1-10.

Papageorgiou, M. "A New Approach to Time-of-Day Control Based on a Dynamic Freeway Traffic Model." Transportation Research 14B (1980): 349-360.

Makigami, Y. "On-Ramp Control: Coordinated Time-of-Day Strategies." In Concise Encyclopedia of Traffic and Transportation Systems. Edited by M. Papageorgiou. Pergamon Press, 1991. Pp. 285-289.
L8Queuing TheoryHillier F. M., and G. J. Lieberman. "Queueing Theory." Chapter 15 in Introduction to Operations Research. McGraw-Hill, 1995. Pp. 661-732.
R3Recitation 3
L9Simulation ModelsHillier F. M., and G. J. Lieberman. "Simulation." Chapter 21 in Introduction to Operations Research. McGraw-Hill, 1995. Pp. 900-934.
L10Control of Isolated SignalsWebster, F. V. "Traffic Signal Settings." Road Research Technical Paper No. 39. Her Majesty's Stationary Office, London. 1958. Pp. 1-24.
R4Recitation 4
L11Operational Problems in Traffic SystemsOdoni, A. R. "Issues in Air Traffic Flow Management."

Barcelo, J. "Traffic Management Systems." In Concise Encyclopedia of Traflic and Transportation Systems. Edited by M. Papageorgiou. Pergamon Press, 1991. Pp. 541-550.

Stathopoulos, A. "Route Guidance, Collective.'' In Concise Encyclopedia of Traffic and Transportation Systems. Edited by M. Papageorgiou. Pergamon Press, 1991. Pp. 412-416.
L12Air Traffic Operation Problems
L13Wrap-up Lecture
Quiz Review

Additional Reference Texts

Daganzo, Carlos F. Logistics Systems Analysis. Springer-Verlag, 1991.

Watson, H. Computer Simulation in Business. John Wiley & Sons, 1981.

Nersesian, R., and G. Boyd Swartz. Computer Simulation in Logistics. Quorum Books, 1996.

Smith, J. U. M. Computer Simulation Models. Griffin & Co. 1968.

Highway Capacity Manual. Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, 1985.


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