
Technology Policy Negotiations >> Content Detail



Hexiglass Post-Negotiation Analysis Paper

  • 500 to 750 words.
  • 15% of course grade.
  • Analyze this negotiation after it is complete by identifying your interests and the interests of all key stakeholders (to the extent that you can), the wisdom and durability of the agreement, additional options that all might have considered, and other relevant factors. Use analytic frameworks from the readings and other sources (with appropriate citations).

Logistics Challenge Post-Negotiation Analysis Paper

  • 500 to 750 words.
  • 15% of course grade.
  • Analyze this negotiation after it is complete by identifying your interests and the interests of all key stakeholders (to the extent that you can), the wisdom and durability of the agreement, additional options that all might have considered, and other relevant factors. Use analytic frameworks from the readings and other sources (with appropriate citations).

Phoenix Post-Negotiation Analysis Paper

  • 500 to 750 words.
  • 15% of course grade.
  • Analyze this negotiation after it is complete by identifying your interests and the interests of all key stakeholders (to the extent that you can), the wisdom and durability of the agreement, additional options that all might have considered, and other relevant factors. Use analytic frameworks from the readings and other sources (with appropriate citations).

Dispute Resolution Systems Case Study Paper

  • 3,000-4,000 words.
  • Individual/Group paper (1-3 people).
  • 40% of course grade.
  • Select any organization relevant to the technology policy domain and analyze a dispute resolution system in that organization. It may be a system for internal employee disputes or for external constituent/customer/client disputes. You may do this on your own or in a team of up to three people. Every person on the team must conduct at least one field interview of a stakeholder associated with this system. You are to plot the intended flow for the operation of the system (including appeal channels) and assess its strengths and limitations. Use analytic frameworks from the readings. To the extent possible, consider the impact of this system on technology policy outcomes.

Additional Assignments: Class Participation

  • 15% of course grade.
  • There will be additional short, ungraded assignments associated with preparation for specific class exercises and learning - all of which are factored into class participation.
  • Attendance in all classes is a base-line pre-requisite for this part of the grade - consistent attendance earns a grade of "90." This can be reduced with absences and increased by making informed contributions to class discussions, particularly comments that incorporate insights from reading assignments. This is not a reward for maximizing "air time" - indeed, encouraging contributions by others and shared learning by the class are highly valued.


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