
Theory of Parallel Systems (SMA 5509) >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


Week 1
1Dynamic Multithreading
Week 2
2Cilk, Matrix Multiplication, and Sorting
3Serial Performance and Caching
Week 3
4Determinacy Detection and Race Detection
5Consistency of the Memory Sub-System
Week 4
6Analyzing Space Bounds
Week 5
7Memory Contention
8Cilk Scheduler
Week 6
9Analysis of Cilk Scheduler
10Cilk Implementation
Week 7
11Project Presentations 1
Week 8
12Project Presentations 2
13Implementation of Memory Consistency
Week 9
14Competitive Snoopy Caching
15Snoopy Caching and Spin-Block Problem
Week 10
16Hypercubic Networks 1
17Hypercubic Networks 2
Week 11
18Hypercubic Networks 3
Week 12
19Squish Routing
20Permuting Data on Parallel Disks
Week 13
21Sorting and Permuting
22Pick a Winner
Week 14
23Final Project Presentations
24Final Project Presentations (cont.)
Week 15
25Final Project Presentations (cont.)
26Final Project Presentations (cont.)
Final Papers Due


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