
Knowledge-Based Applications Systems >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


Introduction and Background
1Course Organization; Spirit of the Undertaking
2Tell it What to Know; Search
The Spirit and Pragmatics of KBS
3Origins of KBS: MACSYMA and DENDRAL
4Application Analysis Case Study: Case Introduction
5Application Analysis Case Study: Class DiscussionReading summary 1 due
6Rule-Based SystemsReading summary 2 due
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Paradigms
7Semantic NetsReading summary 3 due
8LogicProblem set 1 out

Reading summary 4 due
9Frame-Based SystemsReading summary 5 due
10Uncertain Reasoning, Models of Rationality
11BlackboardsProblem set 1 due

Project proposal due
12Pragmatic Issues in Knowledge AcquisitionReading summary 6 due
13Summary of Knowledge RepresentationReading summary 7 due
Problem Solving Paradigms
14Causal ReasoningReading summary 8 due
15Model-Based ReasoningProblem set 2 out

Project progress report 2 due
16Case-Based ReasoningReading summary 9 due
17Reasoning with ConstraintsProblem set 2 due

Reading summary 10 due
18Reasoning about Physical SystemsReading summary 11 due
Research Issues
19Human Intelligence ProjectProject report 3 due
20Common Sense
22Ontologies and Data Mining
Project Presentations
23Project Presentations and Discussion
24Project Presentations and Discussion (cont.)
25Project Presentations and Discussion (cont.)
26Project Presentations and Discussion (cont.)Term project report due


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