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1Winston Reflects on the First 50 yearsWinston, Patrick Henry. Why I am Optimistic?
2Turing Suggests Test for SuccessTuring, A. M. "Computing Machinery and Intelligence." Mind 49 (1950): 433-460.
3Minsky Lays Out Steps Toward Creating AIMinsky, Marvin. "Steps toward Artificial Intelligence." In Computers and Thought. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995, pp. 406-450. ISBN: 0262560925. [Also available for purchase on]
4Brooks Denies Value of Representations Davis and Friends Affirm Value of Representations

Brooks, Rodney A. "Intelligence without Representation." Artificial Intelligence 47 (1991): 139-159.

Davis, Randall, Howard Shrobe, and Peter Szolovits. "What is a Knowledge Representation?" AI Magazine 14, no. 1 (1993): 17-33.

5Marr Speaks to What Constitutes Good WorkMarr, David. "Artificial Intelligence-a Personal View." Artificial Intelligence 9 (1976): 37-48.
6Ullman Explains Visual RoutinesUllman, Shimon. "Visual Cognition and Visual Routines." Cognition 18 (1984): 97-159.
7Ullman Introduces Goldilocks TheoryUllman, Shimon, Michel Vidal-Naquet, and Erez Sali. "Visual Features of Intermediate Complexity and their use in Classification." Nature Neuroscience 5, no. 7 (July 2002): 682-687.
8Rao Offers Explanation for Acquisition of Visual RoutinesRao, Sajit. Visual Routines and Attention. PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.
9Borchardt Focuses on TransitionsBorchardt, Gary. Causal Reconstruction. Tech Report AIM-1403, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, February 1993.
10Jackendoff Grounds Out in TrajectoriesJackendoff, Ray. "Semantics of Spatial Expressions." In Semantics and Cognition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1983, chapter 9. ISBN: 0262100274. [Also available for purchase on]
11Vaina and Grearenblatt Condemn TreesVaina, Lucia, and Richard Greenblatt. "The Use of Thread Memory in Amnesia Aphasia and Concept Learning." AI Working Paper 195, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1979.
12Minsky Predicts Important Role for PerceptionMinsky, Marvin. "K-lines: A Theory of Memory." Cognitive Science 4 (1980): 117-133.
13Spelke Demonstrates Role of Language in ReorientationHermer-Vazquez, Linda, Elizabeth Spelke, and Alla S. Katsnelson. "Sources of flexibility in human cognition: dual-task studies of space and language." Cognitive Psychology 39 (1999): 3-36.
14Geiger Argues that Dyslexics See too Much

Geiger, Gad, Jerome Y. Lettvin, and Olga Zegarra-Moran. "Task-determined strategies of visual process." Cognitive Brain Research 1 (1992): 39-52.

Geiger, Gad, and Jerome Y. Lettvin. "Developmental Dyslexia: a Different Perceptual Strategy and How to Learn a New Strategy for Reading." Child Development and Disabilities 26, no. 1 (2000): 73-89.

15Kirby Speculates on the Emergence of Syntax Sutherland Calls for Courage

Kirby, Simon. "Language evolution without natural selection: From vocabulary to syntax in a population of learners." Edinburgh Occasional Papers in Linguistics, EOPL-98-1, 1998.

Sutherland, Ivan. "Technology and Courage." Sun Labs Perspectives Essay Series, Perspectives-96-1, April 1996.

17Gentner Recalls the Importance of AnalogyGentner, Dedre, and Arthur B. Markman. "Structure mapping in analogy and similarity." American Psychologist 52 (1997): 45-56.
18Larson Grounds Symbols in Perception

Larson, Stephen D. "Intrinsic Representation: Bootstrapping Symbols From Experience." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3060. New York, NY: Springer, 2004, pp. 202-216. ISBN: 3540220046.

———. "Intrinsic Representation: Bootstrapping Symbols From Experience." MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003.

19Yuret Lays a Foundation for Language SemanticsYuret, Deniz. "Lexical Attraction Models of Language." MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, 1998.
20Yip and Sussman Use Sparse Spaces to Model Learning of Phonological RulesYip, Kenneth, and Gerald Jay Sussman. "Sparse Representations for Fast, One-Shot Learning." Technical Report 1633, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, May 1998.
21Finlayson Announces the Goldilocks PrincipleFinlayson, Mark A., and Patrick H. Winston. "Analogical Retrieval via Intermediate Features: The Goldilocks Principle." MIT CSAIL Technical Report 2006-071.
22Winston Attacks Laird

Langley, Pat, and John E. Laird. "Cognitive Architectures: Research Issues and Challenges." Technical Report, Institute for the Study of Learning and Expertise, Palo Alto, CA, 2002.

Anderson, John. "ACT: A Simple Theory of Complex Cognition." American Psychologist 51 (1996): 355-365.

23Sur Rewires brains

Sur, Mriganka, Sarah L. Pallas, and Anna W. Roe. "Cross-modal plasticity in cortical development: differentiation and specification sensory cortex." Trends in Neurosciences 13, no. 6 (June 1990): 227-233.

von Melchner, Laurie, Sarah L. Pallas, and Mrganka Sur. "Visual behavior mediated by retinal projections directed to the auditory pathway." Nature 404 (April 2000): 871-876.

24Coen Perceives Work Together-Win Together ThemeCoen, Michael. "Multimodal Dynamics: Self-Supervised Learning in Perceptual and Motor Systems." Chapter 1 and 3 of PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006.
26Presentations (cont.)


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