
Computer System Architecture >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

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The course material is divided into five modules, each covering a set of related topics. This section contains the lecture notes for the course.


(A): Session taught by Professor Arvind
(J): Session taught by Dr. Joel Emer

Module 1
L1History of Calculation and Computer Architecture (A) (PDF)
L2Influence of Technology and Software on Instruction Sets: Up to the dawn of IBM 360 (A) (PDF)
L3Complex Instruction Set Evolution in the Sixties: Stack and GPR Architectures (A) (PDF)
L4Microprogramming (A) (PDF)
L5Simple Instruction Pipelining (A) (PDF)
L6Pipeline Hazards (A) (PDF)#
Module 2
L7Multilevel Memories - Technology (J) (PDF)
L8Cache (Memory) Performance Optimization (J) (PDF)
L9Virtual Memory Basics (J) (PDF)
L10Virtual Memory: Part Deux (A) (PDF)
Module 3
L11Complex Pipelining (A) (PDF)
L12Out of Order Execution and Register Renaming (A) (PDF)
L13Branch Prediction and Speculative Execution (A) (PDF)
L14Advanced Superscalar Architectures (J) (PDF)
L15Microprocessor Evolution: 4004 to Pentium 4 (J) (PDF)
Module 4
L16Synchronization and Sequential Consistency (A) (PDF)
L17Cache Coherence (A) (PDF)
L18Cache Coherence (Implementation) (A) (PDF)
L19Snoopy Protocols (A) (PDF)
L20Relaxed Memory Models (A) (PDF)
Module 5
L21VLIW/EPIC: Statically Scheduled ILP (J) (PDF)
L22Vector Computers (J) (PDF)
L23Multithreaded Processors (J) (PDF)
L24Reliable Architectures (J) (PDF)
L25Virtual Machines (J) (PDF)


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