
Physics for Solid-State Applications >> Content Detail



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Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
6.730 Physics for Solid-State Applications
Spring, 2003

General Information

Terry P. Orlando
Rajeev J. Ram

Three sessions / week
1.5 hours / session for the first two weekly sessions
2 hours / session for the third weekly session

Required Text

Lundstrom, Mark. Fundamentals of Carrier Transport. 2nd ed. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 2000. ISBN: 0521631343.
Notes will be handed out to cover the first two-thirds of the class. This required text be used for the last third of the class. It can be purchased from Quantum Books.

Suggested Text

Aschroft, N. W., N. D. Mermin. Solid State Physics. Saunders College Publishing, 1976. ISBN: 0030839939. 
This text is not required, but if you wish to purchase a textbook that covers some of the material in the first two-thirds of the class I would suggest this text because it is the one used in 6.732.


Notes will be handed out periodically. These notes will cover the material for about the first two-thirds of the class.

Problem Sets

All homework sets are due at the beginning of class on the assigned due date. You may work together on the problem sets but you are required to write up your own solution and code. Students will make oral presentations on the homework.


A three part group assignment will cover the (1) physical structure, (2) the phonon spectra, and (3) the band structure of a semiconductor.


There will be a final examination for the class.


40% Group Project (30% written report and 10% presentation)
40% Problem Sets (25% written report and 15% presentation)
20% Final Examination



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