
Optical Signals, Devices, and Systems >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


This calendar provides the topics and in-class demonstrations presented during the course's lectures, as well as important dates.

11Basics - Review of properties of E&M waves, amplitude, intensity, phase, polarization.
22Reflection, refraction, Snell’s law, critical angle, Brewster’s angle, reflection and transmission coeffs. Polarizers,
magic sheet
33Geometric optics, ray-matrix methods, microscopes, telescopes, lens waveguide. Telescope
44Temporal and spatial coherence, two-beam and multiple-beam interference, interferometers.
55Scalar diffraction theory, free-space propagation, spatial frequency, Fraunhofer approximation, diffraction-based light modulators. MMLS System
66Holography - Transmission and reflection holography, recording media, phase-conjugate waves. White light and CGHs
77Image separation conditions, effects of recording medium resolution. Computer-generated holograms, real-time holography.
88Materials - Interaction of light with matter (classical electron oscillator model), absorption, emission, gain, plasmas.
99Modulators and Displays - Birefringence, index ellipsoid, Pockels and Kerr effect, electro-optic tensor. Calcite crystal
1010Longitudinal and transverse modulators, photorefractive effect, real-time holography. BaTiO3 Crystal
1111Acousto-optic light modulation. Liquid crystal, plasma, electroluminescent, digital-mirror, and membrane-mirror displays. E-O Modulator
LC Modulator
1212Sources - Laser principles, spontaneous and stimulated emission, rate eqns, output power. Scanning F-P
1313Optical amplifiers, resonators, specific lasers, LEDs.  Organic LEDs and Lasers. LED emission
14Quiz 1
1514Transmission Systems - Parallel-plate optical waveguide, modes (ray and wave-optics methods). Fiber samples
1615Optical fibers, dispersion, bit rate, WDM, add-drop filters, switches, fiber-optic telecom systems.
1716Photodetectors - Thermal and quantum detectors and their characteristics, responsivity, NEP, D*, noise, specific detectors (bolometer, PMT, photodiode, avalanche PD, etc). Photodiode,
1817Metrology - Distance, surface profile, velocity, and 3-D measurements, speckle- and interferometer-based systems.
1918Microscopy and coherence tomography systems, LIDAR and LADAR, fiber-optic sensors.
2019Optical Processors - Fourier optics, two-lens processor, Vander Lugt filter, matched filters, JTC, polychromatic processors.
2120A-O processors, space and time-integrating correlators, radar applications. CTLP
2221Adaptive Optical Systems – Wavefront measurement systems, sharpness function, Unconventional AO, wavefront correctors, stellar imaging and star-wars applications.
23Quiz 2
2422Opto-electronic processors, incoherent image processing systems.
2523Storage Technologies - Sequential, page-oriented, ROM, erasable and assoc. memory systems; capacity, access time, readout rate, noise, optical Disk, 3-D memories; photorefractive systems, two-photon systems, spectral hole-burning systems.
26In-class research project presentations



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