
Laboratory in Software Engineering >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


The calendar below provides the course's lecture (L), recitation (R), quiz (Q), and project (P) sessions by week.

ses #topicskey Dates
Week 1
L1IntroductionProblem set 0 out
L2Object Semantics
Week 2
L5TestingProblem set 1 out
R1Specification and TestingProblem set 0 due
Week 3
L6Object Model Notations

Code Summary
L7Introduction to ADTsProblem set 2 out
R2ADT, Rep Exposure, and Object Model DiagramsProblem set 1 due
Week 4
L8Representation Invariants
L9Abstraction Functions
L10Dependencies and DecouplingProblem set 3 out
R3Abstraction Functions and Representation InvariantsProblem set 2 due
Week 5
L13PolymorphismProblem set 4 out
R4Equality and HashingProblem set 3 due
Week 6
L14Subtypes and SubclassesProblem set 5 out
R5True Subtyping and the Substitution PrincipleProblem set 4 due
Week 7
L15Classes and Interfaces
L16Usability 1Problem set 6 out
L17Usability 2Problem set 5 due
Week 8
L18Design Patterns
L19Design Project Experiences 1
L20Design Project Experiences 2
R6Design Patterns
Week 9
P1Project Implementation and Review
P2-P3Project Implementation and Review (cont.)Problem set 6 due in P2
Week 10
P4-P5Project Implementation and Review (cont.)
L21Lecture on Final ProjectFirst deliverable due
P6Project Implementation and Review (cont.)
Week 11
P7-P9Project Implementation and Review (cont.)
L22Guest Lecture - Joshua Bloch and Neal Gafter
Week 12
P10-P12Project Implementation and Review (cont.)Second deliverable due in P10
Week 13
P13-P16Project Implementation and Review (cont.)
Week 14
P17-P20Project Implementation and Review (cont.)
Week 15
Demo FairFinal project due
Award Presentations


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