
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

The handouts included in this section were distributed so that students would not have to copy down code during class; they are not intended to stand alone outside of class.

1Introduction, stored program computers, flow of control, Python
2Variables, statements, conditionals, iteration, exhaustive search (PDF)
3Iteration, strings, printing
4Functions, recursion, call stacks (PDF)
5Guess and check, approximate solutions, successive approximation (PDF)
6Lists and mutability, dictionaries (PDF)
7Pseudo code, program organization (PDF)
8Time complexity, divide and conquer, binary search, merge sort (PDF)
9Divide and conquer, merge sort, exceptions (PDF)
10Knapsack problems, branch and bound (PDF)
11Optimization, random walks, simulation (PDF)
12Monte Carlo simulation, calculating pi (PDF)
13Pylab, plotting, curve fitting (PDF)
14Classes and object-oriented programming (PDF)
15Abstract data types, invariants (PDF)
16Data abstraction, invariants (PDF)
18Curve fitting, probability (PDF)
19Debugging (cont.) (PDF)
20Stock simulation (PDF)
21Stock simulation (cont.) (PDF)
22Trends in computer science research


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