
Fundamentals of Ecology >> Content Detail

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The Krebs readings below refer to reading assignments from the course textbook: Krebs, Charles. Ecology: The Experimental Analysis of Distribution and Abundance. 5th edition.

1Introduction to Ecology

Krebs, Chapter 1: Introduction to the Science of Ecology

Remmert, H. Ecology. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1980.

Rowe, J. S. "Biological Fallacy: Life Equals Organisms." Bioscience 42, no. 6 (1992): 394.

Vernadskii, V. I. "The Biosphere." Biosfera (1926): 225-226, 227, 241-242, 278-280+
(Translated by Lawrence R. Pomeroy, the University of Georgia. Originally published in a series of Benchmark Papers in Ecology).

Redox Chemistry Worksheet (PDF)

Using and Citing Sources (PDF)

2Carbon and Energy Transformations

Krebs, Chapter 25: Ecosystem Metabolism I: Primary Productivity

Stowe, S. "When Swans Inspire Not a Ballet, but a Battle." New York Times. 3rd September, 2003.

Fossing, H., V. A. Gallardo, B. B. Jorgensen, M. Huttel, L. P. Nielson, H. Schulz, D. E. Canfield, S. Forster, R. N. Glud, J. K. Gunderson, J. Kuver, N. B. Ramsing, A. Teske, B. Thamdrup, and O. Ulloa. "Concentration and Transport of Nitrate by the Mat-forming Sulphur Bacterium Thioploca." Nature 374 (20th April 1995): 713-715.

Carpenter, S. R., S. W. Chisholm, C. J. Krebs, D. W. Schindler, R. F. Wright. "Ecosystem Experiments." Science 269 (21st July 1995): 324-327.

Luria, S. E., "Overview of Photosynthesis." 36 Lectures in Biology, MIT Press (1975): 83-88.

3Primary Productivity

Krebs, pg. 97-102: Light as a Limiting Factor

Broad, W. J. "Deep Under the Sea, Boiling Founts of Life Itself." New York Times. 9th September, 2003.

Noble, I. R. and Dirzo, R. "Forests as Human-Dominated Ecosystems." Science 277 (1997): 522-524.

Field, C. B., M. J. Behrenfeld, J. T. Randerson, and P. Falkowski. "Primary Production of the Biosphere: Integrating Terrestrial and Oceanic Components." Science 281 (1998): 237-240.

4Primary Productivity in Aquatic Systems

Chisholm, S. W. "What Limits Phytoplankton Growth?" Oceanus (1992): 36-46.

Falkowski, P. G. "The Ocean's Invisible Forest." Scientific American 54 (August 2002): 54-61.

5Limiting Nutrients and Redfield Ratio

Krebs, Chapter 26: Ecosystem Metabolism II: Secondary Production

Nemani, R. R., C. D. Keeling, H. Hashimoto, W. M. Jolly, S. C. Piper, C. J. Tucker, R. B. Myneni, and S. W. Running. "Climate-Drive Increase in Global Terrestrial Net Primary Production from 1982 to 1999." Science 300 (2003): 1560-1563.

Redfield, A. C. "On The Proportions of Organic Derivatives in Sea Water and their Relation to the Composition of Plankton." James Johnstone Memorial Volume. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool (1934): 176-192.

6Secondary Productivity

Krebs, Chapter 23, pg. 463-469: Food Chains and Trophic Levels

Beddington, J. "The Primary Requirements." Nature 374 (16th March 1995): 213-214.

Libes, L. M. "Chapter 29: Reading the Sedimentary Record: The Use of Stable Isotopes in the Study of Paleoceanography." Introduction to Marine Biogeochemistry. New York: Wiley, 1992.

Pauly, D., and V. Christensen. "Primary Production Required to Sustain Global Fisheries." Nature 374 (16th March 1995): 255-257.

Guterl, F. "Troubled Seas; Ninety percent of the big fish have already been caught. Will rampant overfishing cause the ocean's ecosystem to collapse? No one knows." Newsweek (International Edition), New York, 14th July 2003, 46.

8Introduction to Biogeochemical Cycles

Krebs, Chapter 27: Ecosystem Metabolism III: Nutrient Cycles

Schiermeier, Q. "Analysis Pours Cold Water on Flood Theory." Nature 425 (11th September 2003): 111.

Ramunajan, K. "Ocean plant life slows down and absorbs less carbon."

Excellent quantitative overview of the cycles.

9Nitrogen and Phosphorus Biogeochemical CyclesKinzig, A. P., and R. H. Socolow. "Human Impacts on the Nitrogen Cycle." Physics Today (November 1994): 24-31.
10Sulfur CycleKrebs, Chapter 28, pages 590-607
11Carbon Cycle
12Climate Change Discussion
13Population Growth and Life Tables
14Population Growth and Life Tables (cont.)
15Human Population GrowthKrebs:
Chapter 28, pg. 583-590
Chapter 9: Population Parameters
Chapter 10: Demographic Techniques: Vital Statistics
Chapter 11: Population Growth
Chapter 12: Species Interactions: Competition
Chapter 22, pg. 447-448
17Competition and the NicheKrebs, Chapter 13: Species Interactions: Predation

Gilg, O., I. Hanski, and B. Sittler. "Cyclic Dynamics in a Simple Vertebrate Predator-Prey Community." Science 302 (31st October 2003): 866-868.

Turchin, P., L. Oksanen, P. Ekerholm, T. Oksanen, and H. Henttonen. "Are lemmings prey or predators?" Nature 405 (1st June 2000): 562-565.

Tilman, D. "Causes, Consequences and Ethics of Biodiversity." Nature 405 (11th May 2000): 208-211.

Ranta, E. "Making Sense of Complex Population Cycles." Science 301 (11th July 2003): 171-172.

19Issues in Conservation
20Giving a Presentation Plus Review


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