
Computation for Biological Engineers >> Content Detail



Special software is required to use some of the files in this section: .py, .pdb (Protein Data Bank), and .zip.

Module 1: Phylogenetic Inference
Assignment 1 (PDF) (ZIP - 1.1 MB) (This zip file contains: solutions to fibonacci and UPGMA portions.)
Assignment 2 (PDF) (ZIP) (This zip file contains: codebase (, example tree (hw2_tree.txt), and a solution (
Assignment 3 (PDF) (ZIP) (This zip file contains: codebase (; example trees in Newick form (hw3_tree.txt) and diagram (hw3_tree.pdf); a helper smaller test tree with answers (hw3_helper.pdf); and solution (
Assignment 4 (PDF) (ZIP) (This zip file contains: codebase (; example tree (hw4_tree.txt) and sequence alignment (hw4_seqs.aln); and solution (

Using Sets in Python®

Assignment 5 (PDF) (ZIP) (This zip file contains: codebase (; example tree (hw5_tree.txt) and sequence alignment (hw5_seqs.aln); jukes-cantor placeholding code (hw5_evomodel_sad.pdf); a solution (; and a derivation (hw5_derivation.pdf).)
Module 2: Molecular Modeling
Assignment 6 (PDF) (ZIP) (This zip file contains: example data (hw6_data.txt) and syntax helper (hw6_helper.pdf).)
Assignment 7 (PDF) (ZIP) (This zip file contains: example data (hw7_data.txt); Python® module for vector math (; and a solution (hw7_sol.txt).)
Assignment 8 (PDF) (ZIP) (This zip file contains: code and data files.)
Assignment 9 (PDF) (ZIP) (This zip file contains: code and data files.)
Module 3: Discrete Reaction Events
Assignment 10 (PDF) (ZIP) (This zip file contains: directory of code and data files (\media) and solutions in PDF and Python® form.)
Assignment 11 (Optional) (PDF) (ZIP) (This zip file contains: directory of code and data files (\media), hints and solution.)


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