
Introduction to Ionizing Radiation >> Content Detail



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Course Description

The course is intended to provide a broad understanding of a wide range of aspects covering the topic of ionizing radiation. These aspects range from physics, chemistry and biology to epidemiology, risk assessment, and public policy. Topics include: radioactive decay; interactions of the different types of radiation with matter; methods of radiation detection; biological effects of radiation exposure; environmental radiation sources on earth and in space. Several of the more controversial aspects of radiation applications will be discussed.

Required Text

Amazon logo Turner, J. E. Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection. 2nd ed. New York, NY: J. Wiley, 1995. ISBN: 9780471595816.

Grading Policy

There will be about 8 problem sets over the course of the semester. Some of the problem sets will include both conventional problems as well as assignments to find papers in the scientific literature on a specific topic and write an abstract describing the paper. There will be two exams and a final exam. All students are required to write a term paper on a topic related to the subjects covered in this course. A list of possible topics will be provided, but students are free to choose their own topic.

The grading scheme for the class is as follows:

Term Paper15%
Midterm 120%
Midterm 220%
Final Exam25%


1Course Introduction/Radiation History/Fundamentals of the Atom
2Binding Energy and Nuclear Instability

Binding Energy (cont.)

Alpha Decay

4Beta DecayProblem set 1 due
5Gamma Decay
6Activity and Exponential DecayProblem set 2 due
7Radiological Dating
8Radiation Interactions: Heavy Charged ParticlesProblem set 3 due
9Exam 1
10Radiation Interactions: Light Charged ParticlesTerm paper topic due
11Radiation Interactions: Photons
12Radiation Interactions: Neutrons, Neutron SourcesProblem set 4 due
13Radiation Detection/Absorbed Dose
14Absorbed Dose/Radiation UnitsProblem set 5 due
15Charged Particle Tracks/Radiation Chemistry
16Biological Effects/Cell Survival CurvesProblem set 6 due
17Exam 2
18Reactor Tour
19Background Radiation/Radon
20The Radiation Environment in SpaceTerm paper abstract due

Radiation Effects in Materials

Guest Lecture: Prof. Ballinger

22Biological Effects/Radiation Therapy
23Medical Imaging: PET/SPECT/X Rays
24"Radiation Controversies": Class DiscussionProblem set 7 due
25Radiation Therapy: Protons
26Radiological TerrorismTerm paper due


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