
Ambient Intelligence >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

In addition to the lecture presentations given by the instructor and guest lecturers, students in the course are required to make class presentations on the weekly topics and readings. All work is courtesy of either the faculty or the person named and used with permission.

1Introduction to Ambient Intelligence

Prof. Patricia Maes
Introduction (PDF)
2Intelligence Augmentation and Software Agents

Prof. Patricia Maes
Intelligence Augmentation (PDF)
3Location Based and Context-Aware Systems

Prof. Patricia Maes and Students
Context Aware Systems (PDF)

Christine Liu - Hippie (PDF)
4Interfaces With Common Sense

Invited Speakers:
Hugo Liu, Pushpinder Singh, and Pallavi Kaushik
Pushpinder Singh - Giving Computers Common Sense (PDF)
5Ubiquitous Computing

Prof. Patricia Maes and Students

Some Computer Science Issues in Ubiquitous Computing (PDF)

Aaron Zinman - UbiComp Proceedings (PDF)

Sajid Sadi - Charting Past, Present and Future (PDF)

Sajid Sadi - Research in Ubiquitous Computing (PDF)

6User Modeling, Personalization and Recommender Systems

Prof. Patricia Maes and Students
Recommender Systems (PDF)
7Tangible and Ambient Interfaces

Prof. Patricia Maes and Students
8Augmented Reality/Mixed Realities

Prof. Patricia Maes and Students

Aaron Zinman - Bridging the Paper and Electronic Worlds (PDF)

Sajid Sadi - What's Virtual Reality Good For? (PDF)

Sajid Sadi - Quick Overview of AR/VR Hardware (PDF)

Sajid Sadi - Virtual Reality: Past, Present, and Future (PDF)

9The Meaning of Things

Invited Speaker: Judith Donath
10Embedded Intelligence/Smart Objects

Prof. Patricia Maes and Students
11Intelligent Environments

Prof. Patricia Maes and Students
12Pervasive Computing and Wearables

Prof. Patricia Maes and Students


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