
Foundations of Software Engineering >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


The calendar below provides information on the course's lectures (L), recitation (R) and project presentation (P) sessions.

L1Administrative & Introduction
Makefile Primer
GNU Makefile Documentation
CVS Documentation
PS 0 Out
R1Course Goals & Content, References & Recitations; Compilation; Debugging; Makefiles; Concurrent Versions System (CVS); Introduction to C++; Data Types; Variable Declarations and Definitions; Operators; Expressions and Statements; Input/Output Operators; Preprocessor Directives; Header Files; Control Structures
L2Overview of C++ and Object Oriented DesignPS 0 In
PS 1 Out
L3Classes and Objects
R2Functions: Declarations, Definitions, and Invocations; Inline Functions; Function Overloading; Recursion; Scope and Extent of Variables; References; Pointers; Function Call by Value, References and Pointers; Pointers to Functions; 1-D Arrays; Strings as Arrays of Char; Arrays of Pointers; 2-D and Higher Dimensions Arrays; Return by Reference Functions; Dynamic Memory Allocation; The Size of Operator; Data Structures; Introduction to Classes and Objects
L4Dynamic Management of ObjectsPS 1 In
PS 2 Out
L5Operator Overloading
R3Classes and Objects; Classes: Member Variables & Member Functions; Classes: Constructors & Destructor; Constructor Header Initialization; Copy Constructors; Member Variables & Functions Protection: Private, Protected & Public; Static Class Data and Class Functions; Class Scope; Pointers to Class Members; Operator Overloading; Friend Functions; Type Conversions
L6InheritancePS 2 In
PS 3 Out
L7Linked Lists, Static Class Members
R4Inheritance: Public, Protected and Private Derivation; Multiple Inheritance; Inheritance: Constructors and Destructors; Inheritance: Redefining Member Functions; Virtual Functions and Polymorphism; Abstract Classes; File Streams; Namespaces; Assertions; C++ Standard Library String Class; Other Topics
L8Quiz ReviewPS 3 In
Quiz I: C++PS 4 Out
R5Function Templates; Class Templates; Sorting and Searching Algorithms; Insertion Sort; Selection Sort; Shellsort; Quicksort; Linear Search; Binary Search
L9Templates, Sorting & Searching Algorithms
R6Introduction to Java; Compiling and Running a Java Application and a Java Applet; Data Types; Variables, Declarations, Initializations, Assignments; Operators, Precedence, Associativity, Type Conversions, and Mixed Expressions; Control Structures; Comments; Arrays; Classes and Objects; Constructors; Initializers; Member Data and Functions; Function Overloading
L10Programming in Java®
Shape Example
PS 4 In
PS 5 Out
L11Java® Basics (contd.)
R7Sun Java Studio Standard 5; Inheritance; Controlling Access to Class Members; Strings; Packages; Interfaces; Nested Classes and Interfaces; Garbage Collection; Applets
L12Graphical ProgramsPS 5 In
PS 6 Out
L13Applets and Applications
R8Exceptions; Threads; I/O; Introduction to Java GUI and Swing
L14Custom Graphics
L15File I/OPS 6 In
PS 7 Out
R9The JComponent Class; Top-Level Containers; Intermediate Swing Containers; Atomic Components
L16Quiz ReviewProject Proposal Due
Quiz II: Sorting, Searching and Java®
Working with Images
L18Physical SimulationsPS 7 In
L19Source Code Management Using CVS
L20Java® Remote Method Invokation Framework
L21Java Beans, Java® 3D
P1Project Presentation I
P2Project Presentation II
P3Project Presentation III



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