
Hydrodynamics (13.012) >> Content Detail



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8.02, 18.03

Course Outline

The following topics are planned for this term, although not all may be covered in practice.

Part I: Introduction to Marine Hydrodynamics

  • Basic Fluid Properties
  • Hydrostatic Pressure
  • Basic Principles of Hydrodynamics

Part II: Free Surface Waves and Wave Forces on Offshore Structures and Vehicles

  • Linear Wave Theory: Boundary Value Problem; Simplifying Assumptions
  • Dispersion Relationship
  • Unsteady Bernoulli's Equation, Dynamic Pressure
  • Incident Wave Forces on Bodies
  • Added Mass, Damping, and Hydrostatic Restoring Coefficients (Strip Theory)
  • Equations of Motion for Seakeeping; Natural Frequency

Part III: Viscous Flows and Free Surface Flows

  • Viscous Lift and Drag
  • Drag and Resistance of Streamlines and Bluff Bodies
  • Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV); Morrison's Equation (Offshore Platforms)
  • Ship Resistance Testing
  • Rudders and Propellers, Cavitation and Flow Noise
  • Navier Stokes Equations: Separated Flows and Boundary Layers

Part IV: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

  • Major Ocean Circulations and Geostrophic Flows
  • Heat Balance in the Ocean
  • Influence of Wind Stress
  • Coriolis Force, Tidal Forces, Geostrophic Currents
  • Equations of Motion


There is no required textbook for the course, although students are expected to complete the assigned readings.

Two recommended books are:

Amazon logo Smits, A. J. A Physical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1999. ISBN: 9780471253495.

Amazon logo White, F. Fluid Mechanics. 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2002. ISBN: 9780072831801.

Course Organization

Weekly problem sets will be assigned and are due the following week unless otherwise noted. Homework solutions are expected to be the result of individual effort. However, group discussions of the concepts covered on the homework and review of the course material is encouraged.

Laboratory projects and reports should also be done individually. While the data will be the result of a collective effort, the final processing and analysis should be done individually unless otherwise noted. Lab assignments will be due on the date specified on the lab hand-out. Pre-lab exercises should be done prior to coming to class and can be done collectively.

There will be two exams administered in class and a final exam scheduled during exam week. Partial credit will be given on all problems, except multiple choice and fill in the blank type questions.

Grading Policy

Two In-class Exams30%
Final Exam30%

The three exams are closed book. However, one single-sides sheet of notes will be allowed for each in-class exam, and one double-sided sheet of notes will be allowed for the final exam.


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