
Kinetic Processes in Materials >> Content Detail



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This page lists the homework problems suggested to accompany each lecture session. These problems are not graded, but students are strongly encouraged to work through them.

The problems and solutions are in the course textbook:

Amazon logo Balluffi, R. W., S. M. Allen, and W. C. Carter. Kinetics of Materials. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 2005. ISBN: 9780471246893.

L1Introduction: Fields and Gradients; Fluxes; Continuity Equation1.1-1.4
L2Irreversible Thermodynamics2.1-2.4
L3Driving Forces and Fluxes for Diffusion; Self-Diffusion and InterdiffusionSee the end of lecture summary for SES #L3 (PDF)
L4Interdiffusion; Effects of Electrical Potential, Capillarity, and Stress on Diffusion Potential3.1-3.8, 3.10
L5Effects of Capillarity and Stress on Diffusion3.8
L6The Diffusion Equation5.5
L7Solutions to the Diffusion Equation - I4.1-4.8
L8Solutions to the Diffusion Equation - II5.1-5.1
L9Solutions to the Diffusion Equation - III5.10-5.13
L10Activated Jump Processes7.1, 7.3-7.6
L11Diffusion Resulting from Discrete Jumps7.3-7.6
L12Diffusion in Crystals8.1-8.8
L13Atomic Models for Diffusivities - I8.12-8.15
L14Atomic Models for Diffusivities - II8.15-8.19
L15Short-Circuit Diffusion in Crystals9.1-9.5
L16Diffusion in Noncrystalline MaterialsNone
L17Surface Evolution Due to Capillary Forces14.1-14.3
L18Particle Coarsening15.1-15.2
L19Grain Growth15.3-15.4
L20Diverse Short Topics: Anisotropic Surfaces, Diffusional Creep, and Sintering14.4
L21General Features of Phase TransformationsNone
L22Spinodal Decomposition and Continuous Ordering18.2-4
L23Spinodal Decomposition Kinetics18.2-4
L25Heterogeneous Nucleation19.7-9
L26Diffusional Growth20.2, 20.4
L27Morphological Stability of Moving Interfaces20.8
L28Kinetics of Nucleation and Growth Transformations21.1-2


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