
Mechanics of Materials >> Content Detail



MIT subject 3.11 Mechanics of Materials deals with the stresses, strains and displacements of near-stationary structures subjected to applied loads. This is a traditional field in engineering education, and is taught in almost all mechanical and civil engineering curricula. 3.11 differs from most of these traditional subjects, however, because it is part of a Materials Science and Engineering curriculum.

Materials students need to learn the basics of solid mechanics just as do the structural engineers, but within the context of processing-structure-properties-performance that characterizes MSE. The curricular syllabus can be given simply as a listing of the modules making up this web package. They are arranged in an order that works well for teaching in a single term, though instructors will have to ration the time spent on each to avoid running out of time at the end of the term. It is certainly possible to omit certain topics altogether, depending on the individual subject goals and the preparation level of the students.

Syllabus of Topics/Modules
Tensile Response of Materials

1. Introduction to Elastic Response
2. Atomistics of Elasticity
3. Introduction to Composites
4. Stress-Strain Curves

Simple Tensile and Shear Structures

5. Trusses
6. Pressure Vessels
7. Shear and Torsion

General Concepts of Stress and Strain

8. Kinematics
9. Equilibrium
10. Tensor Transformations
11. Constitutive Relations


12. Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams
13. Stresses in Beams
14. Beam Displacements
15. Laminated Composite Plates

General Stress Analysis

16. Closed-Form Solutions
17. Experimental Solutions
18. Finite Element Analysis
19. Linear Viscoelasticity

Yield and Fracture

20. Yield and Plastic Flow
21. Dislocation Basis of Yield and Creep
22. Statistics of Fracture
23. Introduction to Fracture Mechanics
24. Fatigue


1. Material Properties
2. Matrix and Index Notation
3. List of Symbols
4. Unit Conversion Factors


1. Mohr's circle (Java® applet)
2. strs3d - Stress Transformations
3. plate - Laminated Plates


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