
Introduction to Solid State Chemistry >> Content Detail

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Amazon logo Spencer, J. N., G. M. Bodner, and L. H. Rickard. Chemistry: Structure and Dynamics. 2nd ed. 3 vols. New York: Wiley, February 22, 2002. ISBN: 9780471419211.

1Vision Statement, Administrative Details


Taxonomy of Chemical Species

Origins of Modern Chemistry
Chapter 1
2Classification Schemes for the Elements

Mendeleyev and the Periodic Table

Atomic Structure
Chapter 1, 2, Appendix A,

Elemental Bibliography (PDF)
3Rutherford Model of the Atom, Bohr Model of HydrogenChapter 3.1, 3.5-3.8LN 1, pp. 2-5 (PDF)(PDF)
4Atomic Spectra of Hydrogen, Matter/Energy Interactions Involving Atomic HydrogenChapter 3.3, 3.4, 3.9, 3.10

Cecilia Payne (PDF)
LN 1, pp. 5-16 (PDF)(PDF)
5The Shell Model (Bohr-Sommerfeld Model) and Multi-electron Atoms

Quantum Numbers: n, l, m, s
Chapter 3.2, 3.10-3.12, 3.15-3.18LN 1 (PDF)(PDF)
6De Broglie, Heisenberg, and Schrödinger

The Aufbau Principle, Pauli Exclusion Principle, and Hund's Rules

Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Average Valence Electron Energy
Chapter 3.24, 3.25, 5.1-5.7, 5.10LN 2 (PDF)(PDF)
7Octet Stability by Electron Transfer: Ionic Bonding

Properties of Ionic Compounds: Crystal Lattice Energy
Chapter 5.1-5.7, 5.10LN 2, pp. 1-12 (PDF)(PDF)
8Born-Haber Cycle

Octet Stability by Electron Sharing: Covalent Bonding

Lewis Structures

Chapter 4.1-4.7, 4.10-4.12, 4.17
9Electronegativity, Partial Charge, Polar Bonds and Polar Molecules

Ionic Character of Covalent Bonds, Pauling's Calculation of Heteronuclear Bond Energies
Chapter 5.7, 5.10, 4A.1, 4A.3
10LCAO MO, Energy Level Diagrams for H2, He2, Li2

Hybridization, Double Bonds and Triple Bonds, Paramagnetism and Diamagetism
Chapter 4A.1-4A.4, 14.4-14.6, 8.2, 8.9LN 2, pp. 12-end (PDF)(PDF)
11The Shapes of Molecules, Electron Domain Theory, Secondary BondingChapter 4.14, 4.15
12Metallic Bonding, Band Theory of Solids (Heitler and London), Band Gaps in Metals, Semiconductors, and Insulators, Absorption Edge of a SemiconductorChapter 5.9-5.11, 9.4

M.12 (modules)
LN 2, pp. 25-26(PDF)

LN 3 (PDF)
13Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors, Doping, Compound Semiconductors, Molten SemiconductorsM.12 (modules)LN 3 (PDF)(PDF)
14Introduction to the Solid State, the 7 Crystal Systems, the 14 Bravais LatticesChapter 9.6-9.12

M.1-M.4, M.8 (modules)

pp. 3-11 (supplement)
15Properties of Cubic Crystals: Simple Cubic, Face-centered Cubic, Body-centered Cubic, Diamond Cubic

Crystal Coordinate Systems, Miller Indices
Chapter 9.6-9.12

M.1-M.6 (modules)

pp. 3-23; 150-155; 167-174 (supplement)
16Characterization of Atomic Structure: The Generation of X-rays and Moseley's Lawpp. 139-141; 144-149; 175-181 (supplement)LN 5, pp. 1-9 (PDF)(PDF)
17X-ray Spectra, Bragg's Law

pp. 26-31; 186-191 (supplement)

18X-ray Diffraction of Crystals: Diffractometry, Debye-Scherrer, Laue

Crystal Symmetry
pp. 26-31 (supplement)LN 5 (PDF)(PDF)
19Defects in Crystals: Point Defects, Line Defects, Interfacial Defects, VoidsM.11 (modules)

pp. 39-43, 47-53 (supplement)
20Amorphous Solids, Glass Formation, Inorganic Glasses: SilicatesChapter 9.1, 9.2

M.15 (modules)

pp. 31-32 (supplement)
LN 7, pp. 1-3, 5-9 (PDF)(PDF)
21Engineered Glasses: Network Formers, Network Modifiers, Intermediates

Properties of Silicate Glasses

Metallic Glass 
Chapter 9.1, 9.2

M.15 (modules)

pp. 31-32 (supplement)
LN 7, pp. 1-3, 5-9 (PDF)(PDF)
22Chemical Kinetics: The Rate Equation, Order of Reaction, Rate Laws for Zeroth, First, and Second Order Reactions

Temperature Dependence of Rate of Reaction
Chapter 10.1-10.4, 14.1-14.8, 14.10, 14.11LN 8 (PDF)(PDF)
23Diffusion: Fick's First Law and Steady-state Diffusion, Dependence of the Diffusion Coefficient on Temperature and on Atomic Arrangementpp. 63-68; 85-95 (supplement)LN 9, pp. 1-6 (PDF)(PDF)
24Fick's Second Law (FSL) and Transient-state Diffusion; Error Function Solutions to FSLpp. 68-78, 95-101 (supplement)LN 9, all (PDF)(PDF)
25Solutions: Solute, Solvent, Solution, Solubility Rules, Solubility ProductChapter 8.10-8.13, 8.15

SOL.1-SOL.10 (modules)
26Acids and Bases: Arrhenius, Brønsted-Lowry, and Lewis Definitions, Acid Strength and pHChapter 11
27Organic Chemistry: Basic Concepts, Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Aromatics, Functional Groups, Alcohols and Ethers, Aldehydes and Ketones, Esters, AminesO1.1-O1.7, O1.10-O1.11, O1.13, O1.14, O2.1, O2.3, O2.4 (modules)
28Organic Glasses - Polymers: Synthesis by Addition Polymerization and by Condensation PolymerizationP.1-P.3, P.7-P.9 (modules)
29Structure-property Relationships in Polymers, Crystalline PolymersP.1-P.3, P.7-P.9 (modules)
30Biochemistry: The Amino Acids, Peptides, and ProteinsReading: BIO.1-BIO.3, BIO.5
31Protein Structure: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary; Denaturing of Proteins BIO.6, BIO.9
32Ipids: Self Assembly into Bilayers

Nucleic Acids, DNA, Encoding Information for Protein Synthesis

Electrochemistry of Batteries and Fuel Cells
BIO.6, BIO.9
33Phase Diagrams - Basic Definitions: Phase, Component, Equilibrium; One-component Phase Diagrams

Two-component Phase Diagrams: Complete Solid Solubility
pp. 103-113 (16.1 - 16.3) (supplement)LN 10 Part A 1-3, Part B 1-9 (PDF)(PDF)
34Two-component Phase Diagrams: Limited Solid Solubility

Lever Rule
pp. 113-119 (16.4) (supplement)LN 10 Part B 1-9 (PDF)(PDF)
35Wrap-up: Closing Remarks about the Course

Student Course Evaluations

Additional Materials

Exercise for the Idle Mind for LN 10 (PDF)
Solution (PDF)

Property Bonding Realtionships (PDF)
English to SI Conversions (PDF)


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