
Nanomechanics of Materials and Biomaterials >> Content Detail



Course Catalog Description

This course focuses on the latest scientific developments and discoveries in the field of nanomechanics, the study of forces and motion on extremely tiny (10-9 m) areas of synthetic and biological materials and structures. At this level, mechanical properties are intimately related to chemistry, physics, and quantum mechanics. Most lectures will consist of a theoretical component that will then be compared to recent experimental data (case studies) in the literature. The course begins with a series of introductory lectures that describes the normal and lateral forces acting at the atomic scale. The following discussions include experimental techniques in high resolution force spectroscopy, atomistic aspects of adhesion, nanoindentation, molecular details of fracture, chemical force microscopy, elasticity of single macromolecular chains, intermolecular interactions in polymers, dynamic force spectroscopy, biomolecular bond strength measurements, and molecular motors.


18.03 Differential Equations, 3.11 Mechanics of Materials (suggested) or permission of instructor.

What Requirements Does this Course Satisfy?

Course 3 restricted elective (conditional that the student hasn't taken or plans to take 3 other course 3 restricted electives in macromolecules), restricted elective for the biomedical engineering (BME minor).


There is no textbook for this course. Reading assignments are distributed to students in a class reader; supplementary papers are also suggested as additional study material.

Nanomechanics Podcasts

A collection of nanomechanics podcasts featuring scientists in discussion with MIT students will complement the class lecture sessions. Students are required to listen to these podcasts and review the associated papers.


Midterm exam33%
Final exam33%
6 assignments33%

Academic Honesty

All work turned in for credit - problem sets, exams, etc. - must be your own individual work unless specific instructions to the contrary have been given to you by the instructors. Group discussion of problem sets is allowed and encouraged, but the problems should then be worked out and written up on an individual basis. Turning in problems copied directly from bibles is cheating. During exams exchange of information with others is unacceptable.


A midterm and final exam will be given. The midterm will be one hour long and held during class one day after Lec #12, and the final will be held during the final examination period on the lectures detailed on the course calendar. Exams missed due to documented medical problems and other (very) exceptional circumstances will be made up either by oral or written examination on an individual basis. Exams are closed-book, although a single sheet of notes (front page only, 8-1/2 × 11 inches) will be allowed for each one. You may bring your formula sheet from the midterm to the final exam. Exams may include both analytical problems similar to those in the homework assignments, and also questions dealing with concepts discussed in class or included in the reading assignments. Keeping up with the reading and associated problems on a daily basis, and insuring that the various concepts are well understood, is certainly recommended.


Assignments are due at midnight of the due date. Assignments will be given out one week prior to due date. You can scan a portion and type in a portion.


1Introduction to nanomechanics
2High resolution force spectroscopy (HRFS): The force transducer
3Additional nanomechanics instrumentation components
4Force versus distance curves
5Atomic force microscope (AFM) imagingHomework 1 due
6AFM imaging II: Artifacts and applications
7Single cell mechanics
8Qualitative introduction to intra - and intermolecular forcesHomework 2 due
9Quantitative description of intra - and intermolecular forces
10Molecule - surface interactions
11Colloids and interparticle potentialsHomework 3 due
12Van der Waals forces at work: Gecko feet adhesion
Midterm exam - during class time 1 hour
13Midterm exam solutions review
14The electrical double layer (EDL) - part 1
15The electrical double layer (EDL) - part 2
16Nanomechanics of cartilage
17Protein - surface interactions
18Nanomechanics and biocompatibility: Protein-biomaterial interactions, part 2Homework 4 due
19Elasticity of single polymer chains: Theoretical formulations
20Theoretical aspects of single molecule force spectroscopy: Extensibility and the worm-like chain (WLC)Homework 5 due
21Single chain elasticity of biomacromolecules: The giant protein titin and DNA
22Theoretical aspects of nanoindentation
23Nanoindentation 2: Oliver-Pharr method and one literature example: NacreHomework 6 due
24Intermolecular interactions in motility of a biological spring (guest lecture by Danielle France, course TA)
Final exam during finals week


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