
Design of Medical Devices and Implants >> Content Detail



This page presents an example of a homework plus solution, plus information about the student design project.


Homework 1 (PDF)

Homework 1 Solution (PDF)

Design Project

Students will work in groups of 3 or 4 people to complete a major design project during the term. While the designs will not be fabricated, the designs must be realistic. Some students in prior years have continued to work on their designs, in some cases pursuing patents and commercialization.

The project deliverables are:

  • FDA Report: total length 8 pages including all images and references, 1 1/2 line spacing, 12 pt. Times font (PDF)
  • Oral Presentation of Proposal
  • Final Oral Presentation
  • Term Paper: total length 20 pages including all images and references, 1 1/2 line spacing, 12 pt. Times font

The following topics were addressed this term (intellectual property considerations prevent a more detailed presentation):

  • Vertebral Bone Loss
  • Lung Oxygenation
  • Joint Prostheses
  • Lung Occlusion


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