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Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

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Dr. David D. Clark
Dr. Frank Field
Sharon E. Gillett, Instructor in charge
Dr. William Lehr

Module 1: Technology
1A Quick Guide to the Internet (PDF)Clark
2Application Design on the Internet (PDF)Clark
3EE 101 (PDF)Clark
4Internet Interconnection (PDF)Clark
Module 2: Policy Rationale and Methods
5Why have Regulators been so involved in Telecommunications? (PDF)Gillett and Lehr
6Overview of Methods of Technical and Policy Analysis Applicable to the Final Project. Discussion of Problem Definition and Issue Framing for Topics with Interwoven Technical, Social, Economic, and Political DimensionsGillett and Lehr
Module 3: Deep Dives into Four Topics
Module 3a: Spectrum Policy
7Spectrum Management Reform, Part 1 (PDF 1) (PDF 2)Lehr
8Spectrum Management Reform, Part 2 (PDF)Lehr
Module 3b: Information Policy
9Intellectual Property: Content and Digital Telecommunication Policy (PDF - 1.1 MB)#Field
10Architecture and Control (PDF - 1.8 MB)#Field
11Culture, Content and Copyright (PDF)#Field
Module 3c: Interconnection
12Challenges for Convergence: Interconnection (PDF 1) (PDF 2)#Lehr
13Challenges for Convergence: Interconnection (cont.)Lehr
Module 3d: Broadband Access
14Competition in Access Networks (PDF 1) (PDF 2)Gillett
15Case Studies: VoIP (PDF 1) (PDF 2), Municipal BroadbandGillett
16Municipal Broadband (cont.)Guest Lecturers: Patrick McCormick (Brookline Wireless) and Steven Gag (Technology Advisor to Boston Mayor Thomas Menino)
17Network Neutrality (PDF)Gillett
18Network Neutrality (cont.)Gillett
19IPTV (PDF) (Courtesy of Marie-José Montpetit. Used with permission.)Marie-José Montpetit, Motorola
Module 4: Miscellaneous Topics
20Internet GovernanceScott Bradner, Harvard University
21Open Access, or Making Money Openly (PDF)Clark
22One Laptop per Child (aka $100 Laptop); the Internet and Developing CountriesMichail Bletsas, MIT Media Lab
Module 5: Student Presentations
23-25Classroom Presentations and Discussion


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