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Partnering with, MIT OCW offers direct links to purchase the books cited in this course. Click on the Amazon logo to the left of any citation and purchase the book from, and MIT OCW will receive up to 10% of all purchases you make. Your support will enable MIT to continue offering open access to MIT courses.

You can share the texts with your homework partner, so each of you needs to get three texts. Obtain either [SQ] or [MU] but not both, for the SQL language.

Amazon logo 1. [RD] McConnell, Steve. Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 1996. ISBN: 9781556159008.

Amazon logo 2. [UM] Fowler, Martin. UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language. 3rd ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2003. ISBN: 9780321193681.

Amazon logo 3. [SQ] Bowman, Judith S., Sandra L. Emerson, and Marcy Darnovsky. The Practical SQL Handbook: Using SQL Variants. 4th ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2001. ISBN: 9780201703092.

Amazon logo 4. [MU] Syverson, Bryan. Murach's SQL for SQL Server. Fresno, CA: Murach, 2002. ISBN: 9781890774165.

Amazon logo 5. [DR] McFarland, David S. Dreamweaver 8: The Missing Manual. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2005. ISBN: 9780596100568.

Amazon logo 6. [SE] Anderson, Ross. Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 2001. ISBN: 9780471389224.

Amazon logo 7. [TE] Green, James H. The Irwin Handbook of Telecommunications. 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2005. ISBN: 9780071452229.

Check the errata for these books; they should all mention Web sites that hold corrections.

1Software Process: Introduction
2Software Process: FundamentalsRD. Chapters 1-5
3Software Process: Resource EstimationRD. Chapters 6-8
4Software Process: CMMI®, ISORD. Chapter 9
5Software Process: UMLUM. Chapters 1-2 (skim), 4, 8-12, and 14-15
6Database: Data ModelingSQ. Chapter 2 or MU. Chapter 9
7Database: Data NormalizationSQ. Chapter 2 or MU. Chapter 9
8Database: SQL Basics, SELECT, INSERTSQ. Chapters 1, and 3-5 or MU. Chapters 1-3
9Database: SQL Joins, Subqueries, ViewsSQ. Chapters 6-9 or MU. 4, 5, and 7
10Database: SQL Transactions, ConnectionsSQ. Chapter 10 or MU. Chapters 6, 12, and 16
11Web Development: Web Introduction, HTTP®DR. Chapters 1 and 3-5
12Web development: HTML®, CSS, FormsDR. Chapters 6 and 10
Midterm Exam
13Web Development: Web and DatabaseDR. Chapters 20-23
14Web Development: XML®DR. Chapter 24
15Web Development: Web Services and Frameworks, EDI
16Security: Protocols, PasswordsSE. Chapters 1-4
17Security: EncryptionSE. Chapter 5
18Security: Banking, Monitors, EcommerceSE. Chapters 9, 10, 18, and 19
19Networks: System ArchitectureTE. Chapters 1-3
20Networks: Switched Network, DatacommTE. Chapters 4 and 6-8
21Networks: Local Area Networks, Fiber Optics, Wireless NetworksTE. Chapters 10 and 17-18
22Networks: Wireless TechnologyTE. Chapters 19-21
23Networks: Enterprise Nets, MAN, WANTE. Chapters 31-33 and 35
24Networks: IP Nets, Future, SummaryTE. Chapters 36 and 39-40
Final Exam

Dreamweaver Reading

The Dreamweaver book spends a lot of pages on the visual aspects of Web sites, but our focus is on the use of the Web for data and integration. The book covers many detailed topics that you don't need to read about in depth. Skim many sections so that you know the material is there and so that you can go back to it as a reference if you need it when you build your site. Specific suggestions for reading, by chapter:

1. Read, do tutorial. (I would do the tutorial first, before reading the chapter.)

2. Skip. Skim to see topics covered; you probably won't need these.

3. Read pp. 75-88, skim the rest quickly.

4. Read.

5. Read pp. 123-134, skim the rest quickly.

6. Read, do tutorial (Again, I'd do the tutorial first.)

7. Read the first 20 pages or so about layout tables in general; future examples will use them.

8. Skip. This chapter is about detailed page layout, which you don't need to know.

9. Skip. If you have problems with Web pages in your homework, skim this chapter for some aids Dreamweaver provides to find and correct errors.

10. Read.

11-12. Skip. These cover advanced visual features, which you don't need to know.

13-15. Skip. Skim to see topics covered; the TAs will help you move your site to the server.

16-19. Skip. These cover advanced visual features, which you don't need to know.

20-24. Read; these are the key chapters for Web-database interactions.

For chapters 20-24 on Web-database interactions: You don't need to read these for class; you can read the necessary chapters as you do the homework sets 7-9. Each homework will indicate the chapters needed.

Telecom Handbook Reading

1. History. Skim for definitions (LEC, IXC, LATA, others). No need to know history.

2. Public network. Read.

3. Data communications. Read.

4. Datacomm principles. Skip or skim datacomm fundamentals section. Read datacom equipment section.

5. Pulse code modulation. Skim Digital Carrier Technology, Digital Signal Hierarchy and PCM Application Issues sections. Skip the rest unless interested in technical details.

6. Datacomm protocols. Read.

7. Outside plant. Skip electrical protection section.

8. Access technologies. Read.

9. Cabling systems. Skip.

10. Local area networks. Read.

11. Network equipment. Skip.

12-16. Switching systems. This is about traditional voice calls; skip.

17. Optical networking. Read, but skip the highly technical parts.

18. Microwave. Read; skip modulation, diversity sections.

19. Satellite. Read.

20. Mobile systems. Read.

21. Wireless data. Read.

22. Video. Skip.

23-30. Customer premises equipment. Skip all these chapters. Useful later if you need to work with a call center or other voice services.

31. Enterprise networks. Read.

32. MANs. Read.

33. WANs. Skim; all these options are of historical interest only.

34. Frame relay. Skip.

35. ATM. Read the first 3 pages only.

36. IP networks. Read.

37-38. Skip.

39-40. Read.


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