
Algorithms for Computer Animation >> Content Detail

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Readings are assigned at the end of the lecture and are due at the beginning of next class.

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Lecture 1: Animation Principles

Required Reading

Thomas, Frank, and Ollie Jonston. "Our Procedures." Chapter 9 in The Illlusion of Life: Disney Animation. Revised ed. Disney Editions, October 19, 1995. ISBN: 0786860707.

Lasseter, John. Principles of traditional animation applied to 3D computer animation. SIGGRAPH 1987.

Lecture 2: Keyframing

Required Reading

Zhao, Jianmin, and Norman I. Badler. "Inverse kinematics positioning using nonlinear programming for highly articulated figures." ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 13, no. 4 (October 1994).

Lecture 3: Open Topic

Optional Reading

Rose, Charles F.,III, Peter - Pike Sloan, and ael Cohen. "Artist-Directed Inverse Kinematic Using Radial Basis Function Interpolation. Eurographics Conference 2001.

"Automating gait generation." Harold C. Sun, Dimitris N. Metaxas. SIGGRAPH 2001.

Lecture 4: Motion Capture

Required Reading

Witkin, Andrew, and Zoran Popovic. Motion Warping. SIGGRAPH 1995.

Lecture 5: Open Topic

Optional Reading

Bodenheimer, Bobby, Charles F. Rose, III, Seth Rosenthal, and John Pella. The Process of Motion Capture: Dealing with the Data. Computer Animation and Simulation,'97. Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop.

Gleicher, Michael. Retargetting Motion to new character. SIGGRAPH 1998.

Rose, Charles F., III, Michael Cohen, and Bobby Bodenheimer. "Verbs and Adverbs: Multidimensional Motion Interpolation." IEEE Computer Graphics And Applications 18, no. 5.

Brand, Matthew, and Aaron Hertzmann. Style machines. SIGGRAPH 2000.

Li, Yan, Tianshu Wang, and Heung-Yeung Shum. Motion Textures: A Two - Level Statistical Model for Character Motion Synthesis. SIGGRAPH 2002.

Kovar, Lucas, Michael Gleicher, and Fred Pighin. Motion Graphs. SIGGRAPH 2002.

Arikan, Okan, and D. A. Interactive Motion Generation From Examples. SIGGRAPH 2002.

Lee, Jehee, Jinxiang Chai, Paul S. A. Reitsma, Jessica K. Hodgins, and Nancy S. Pollard. Interactive Contol of Avatars Animated With Human Motion Data. SIGGRAPH 2002.

Pullen, Katherine, and Christoph Bregler. Motion Capture Assisted Animation: Texturing and Synthesis. SIGGRAPH 2002.

Lecture 6: Particle Systems

Required Reading

Karl Sims. Particle animation and rendering using data parallel computation. SIGGRAPH 1990.

Lecture 7: Open Topic

Optional Reading

Reeves, William T. Particle systems - a technique for modeling a class of fuzzy objects. SIGGRAPH 1983.

Hahn, James K. Realistic animation of rigid bodies. SIGGRAPH 1988.

Milenkovic, Victor J., and Harald Schmidl. Optimization-based animation. SIGGRAPH 2001.

Isaacs, Paul M., and Michael F. Cohen. Controlling dynamic simulation with kinematic constraints. SIGGRAPH 1987.

Witkin, Andrew, and Michael Kass. Spacetime constraints. SIGGRAPH 1988.

Grzeszczuk, Radek, Demetri Terzopoulos, and Geoffrey Hinton. NeuroAnimator: fast neural network emulation and control of physics-based models. SIGGRAPH 1998.

Terzopoulos, Demetri, John Platt. Alan Barr, and Kurt Fleischer. Elastically deformable models. SIGGRAPH 1987.

Stam, Jos. Stable Fluids. SIGGRAPH 1999.

Foster, Nick, and Ronald Fedkiw. Practical animation of liquids. SIGGRAPH 2001.

Marc H. Raibert, Jessica K. Hodgins. Animation of Dynamic Legged Locomotion. SIGGRAPH 1991.

Faloutsos, Petros, Michiel van de Panne, and Demetri Terzopoulos. Composable controllers for physics - based character animation. SIGGRAPH 2001.

Lecture 8: Extended Abstracts for Project Due

Lecture 9: Constraints

Required Reading

Platt, John C., and Alan H. Barr. Constraints methods for flexible models. SIGGRAPH 1988.

Lecture 10: Optimization

Lecture 11: Rigid Bodies

Required Reading

Cohen, Michael F. Interactive spacetime control for animation. SIGGRAPH 1992.

Optional Reading

Witkin, Andrew, and Michael Kass. Spacetime Constraints. SIGGRAPH 1988.

Lecture 12: Control of Rigid-Body Dynamics

Lecture 13: Automated Learning of Muscle Control

Required Reading

Grzeszczuk, Radek, and Demetri Terzopoulos. Automated Learning of Muscle - Actuated Locomotion Through Control Abstraction. SIGGRAPH 1995.

Lecture 14: Natural and Expressive Motion

Required Reading

Brand, Matthew, and Aaron Hertzmann. Style Machines.SIGGRAPH 2000.

Lecture 15: Approximating Physics

Lecture 16: Flexible Bodies

Required Reading

Terzopoulos, Demetri, John Platt, and Alan Barr, Kurt Fleischer. Elastically deformable models. SIGGRAPH 1987.

Optional Reading

Terzopoulos, Demetri, and Kurt Fleischer. Modeling inelastic deformation: viscolelasticity, plasticity, fracture. SIGGRAPH 1988.

Baraff, David, and Andrew Witkin. Dynamic simulation of non - penetrating flexible bodies. SIGGRAPH 1992.

Lecture 17: Cloth

Optional Reading

Baraff, David, and Andrew Witkin. Large steps in cloth simulation.

———. Dynamic simulation of non-penetrating flexible bodies.SIGGRAPH 1998.

Lecture 18: Project Progress Reports

Required Reading

Blumberg, Bruce, Marc Downie, Yuri Ivanov, Matt Berlin, Michael Patrick Johnson, and Bill Tomlinson. Integrated learning for interactive synthetic characters. SIGGRAPH 2002.

Lecture 19: Interactive Synthetic Characters (Prof. Blumberg)

Lecture 20: Smoke

Required Reading

Jos Stam. Stable Fluids. SIGGRAPH 1999.

Lecture 21: Fluids

Lecture 22: Motion Editing

Required Reading

Rose, Charles F., III, Michael Cohen, and Bobby Bodenheimer. "Verbs and Adverbs: Multidimensional Motion Interpolation." IEEE Computer Graphics And Applications 18, no. 5.

Optional Reading

Witkin, Andrew, and Zoran Popovic. Motion Warping. SIGGRAPH 1995.

Lecture 23: Higher-Level Behaviors

Lecture 24: Open Topic

Lecture 25: Robot Controllers for Legged Locomotion

Required Reading

Faloutsos, Petros, Michiel van de Panne, and Demetri Terzopoulos. Composable controllers for physics-based character animation. SIGGRAPH 2001.

Lecture 26: Composable Controllers

Lecture 27: Open Topic



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