
Circuits and Electronics >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


The calendar provides information on the course's lecture (L), recitation (R), and quiz (Q) sessions.

L1Lumped abstraction relationship to physics, KVL, KCLLab 0 out
R1KVL, KCL resistive network analysis
L2KVL, KCL example, nodal analysisHomework 1 out
R2Nodal analysis, examples
L3Linearity, superposition, Thevenin's equivalencesLab 0 due 1 day before L3
R3Thevenin and Norton equivalences
L4Digital abstractionHomework 2 out
R4Boolean logic, comb. gates review, examplesHomework 1 due
R4aDigital logic, gates, examplesLab 1 out
L5MOS switch, S and SR model, MOS gate designHomework 3 out
R5MOS switch resistor (SR) model (cont.)Homework 2 due
L6Nonlinear resistors, networks
R6Static power in dig ckts, nonlinear resistors, examples
L7Nonlinear resistors, small signal analysisHomework 4 out
R7Nonlinear resistors, small signal examplesHomework 3 due
L8Dependent sources, analog amplification
R8Dependent sources, amplifiers, operating point analysis, biasingLab 1 due
L9MOS SCS model and MOS amplifierHomework 5 out
R9Review MOS SCS model, MOS ckts, MOS amplifierHomework 4 due
Q1Quiz 1 (evening)
R9aMOS amplifier review
L10Amplifier large signal analysisHomework 6 out
R10Review 3-term device representations, amplifier input-output curvesHomework 5 due
L11Amplifier small signal analysisLab 2 out
R11Amplifier small signal analysis examples
L12Amplifier small signal circuit modelsHomework 7 out
R12Amplifier small signal circuit models and analysis examplesHomework 6 due
L13Capacitors, first order circuits, examples
R13Inductors and their physics, first order step response, examples
L14Intuitive analysis of first order systems, examplesHomework 8 out
R14Ramp, step, impulse, superpositionHomework 7 due
L15Digital memory, stateLab 3 out
R15Impulse response examples, digital memory arraysLab 2 due
L16Transients in second order systemsHomework 9 out

First order examples

Second order examples

Homework 8 due

Second order examples

Second order systems with damping

L17Second order systems with damping, intuitive analysisHomework 10 out

Damped second order system examples

Preview of frequency response

Homework 9 due
L18Sinusoidal steady state analysis, frequency responseLab 4 out
Q2Quiz 2 (evening)
L19Impedance methodsHomework 11/12 out
R19Review of impedance methods and examplesHomework 10 due
L20Filters, Q factor, radio tuner
R20Time and frequency domain responses, QLab 3 due
L21Op-amp abstraction, concept of feedback, noninverting amplifier
R21Op-amp abstraction, examples and review, inverting amplifier
L22Multiple inputs and superposition, integrators, differentiators
R22First and second order op-amp filters
L23Op-amp abstraction, feedback, stability, oscillators, clocking
R23Special op-amp circuits

Lab 4 due

Homework 11/12 due

L24Energy and power
R24Examples, CMOS, energy and power
L25Breaking the abstraction barrier


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