
Advanced Macroeconomics II >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

Part 1 - Professor Blanchard

I. Shocks

Vector Autoregression Models (VARs). Wold Representations and Their Limits (PDF)

Structural VARs (PDF)

A Few Major Shocks or Many? Factor Models (PDF)

Technology versus Demand Shocks (PDF)

The Great Moderation (PDF)

II. Unemployment, Institutions, and Shocks

Basic (non-cyclical) Facts about Unemployment Flows (PDF)

Flows, Bargaining, and Unemployment (PDF)

Role of Institutions I: Employment Protection and the Labor Market (PDF)

Role of Institutions II: Trust, Hold-ups, and Bargaining (PDF)

"Culture" and Labor Market Outcomes (PDF)

Cyclical Movements in Unemployment (PDF - 1.3 MB)

Productivity Growth versus Unemployment. Trying to put Things Together (PDF)

III. Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models (DSGE Models)

Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models

Part 2 - Professor Lorenzoni

I. Imperfect Information and Demand Shocks

Imperfect Information and Demand Shocks
Day 1 (PDF 1)
Day 2 (PDF 2)
Day 3 (PDF 3 - 1.3 MB)

II. Financial Frictions and Investment

Financial Frictions: Limited Pledgeability and Richer Models (PDF)

Q Theory (PDF)

Bubbly Asset Prices and Investment (PDF)

III. Liquidity and Aggregate Activity

Limited Supply of Liquidity

Search Models

Countercyclical Liquidity Premia (PDF)

Liquidation and Asset Prices (PDF)


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