
Intermediate Applied Microeconomics >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

Below is a selection of lecture notes that approximate chronologically the topics and themes listed on the calendar

1-2Introduction and a First Application: The Minimum Wage Debate and Causal Inference in Economics (PDF)
3Axioms of Consumer Preference and the Theory of Choice (PDF)
4Theory of Choice and Individual Demand (PDF)
5The Expenditure Function: An Application to the Economics of Food Stamps (PDF)
6Demand Functions, Income Effects and Substitution Effects: Theory and Evidence (PDF)
Compensated Demand in Logs (PDF)
7Sugar Quota: Applying Consumer Theory to Competitive Markets (PDF)
8Taxation: Revealed Preference and Consumer Welfarer (PDF)
9General Equilibrium in a Pure Exchange Economy (PDF)
10International Trade and the Principle of Comparative Advantage (PDF)
11Uncertainty, Expected Utility Theory and the Market for Risk (PDF)
12The Demand for Abortion: An Application of Expected Utility Theory (PDF)
13Safety Regulation and Value of a Statistical Life (PDF)
14Private Information, Adverse Selection and Market Failure (PDF)
15Adverse Selection, Risk Aversion and Insurance Markets (PDF)
16Education, Human Capital and Job Market Signaling (PDF)
17Externalities, the Coase Theorem and Market Remedies (PDF)


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