
Structure and Dynamics of the CMB Region >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

Sample student presentations are included courtesy of the students listed below.

Part I (PDF)
Part II (PDF - 1.4 MB)
2Overview Papers by Chin-Wu Chen (PDF)

The Core-Mantle Boundary Layer and Deep Earth Dynamics
3The D'' Discontinuity and its Implications

D'' Region and Chemical Interaction by Einat Lev (PDF)
4Ultralow Velocity Zone at the Core-Mantle Boundary

ULVZ and CMB Reaction by Karin Louzada  (PDF - 1.1 MB)

ULVZ and Thermal Gradient Across CMB
by Erwan Mazarico (PDF)

Fuzzy Patches on the Earth's Core-Mantle Boundary? by Guangping Xu (PDF)

Seismic Detection of Rigid Zones at the Top of the Core by Chin-Wu Chen (PDF)

6Lower-mantle Solidus by Karin Louzada (PDF)

Solidus of Earth's Deep Mantle
7D'' Anisotropy and Mineral Texture by Maureen Long (PDF)
8D'' Anisotropy and Mineral Texture (cont.) by Maureen Long (PDF)

Deformation of (Mg0.9Fe0.1)SiO3
Perovskite Aggregates up to 32 GPa
9Geodynamic Constraints by Guangping Xu (PDF)
10D'' Anisotropy and Mineral Texture and Plumes
11Geochemical Constraints
12Core-mantle Coupling and Geomagnetic Field
13Student Presentations
14Student Presentations


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