
Principles of Global Positioning Systems >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

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1Overview of the aims of the class (PDF)Class introduction and content
U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center
SCIGN Data Portal | REASoN: Data Products
2Coordinate and time systems (PDF)Introduction to coordinate system definition and realization concentrating on geometric definitions
SCO Web: Control Networks
National Geodetic Survey
3Potential fields and coordinate systems (PDF)Potential fields and coordinate systems. We also used some MATLAB scripts in this lecture. The two program are Harmonics.m (M), which plots low order harmonics and Sectorials.m (M), which plots high order sectorial harmonics.
Legendre Polynomial
4Coordinate types (PDF)Coordinate systems, rotation of the Earth, Geoid, Spherical trigonometry
International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service
Modeling of Nutation-Precession: Very long baseline interferometry results (PDF)
Computation of Geoid99 Geoid Height
Spherical Trigonometry
5GPS satellite orbits (PDF)GPS satellite orbits. The MATLAB program to compute eccentic and true anomalies is truea.m (M).
Interface Control Document (ICD 200c)
The GPS interface control document (PDF)
Unclassified (PDF - 1.7 MB)
6GPS observables (PDF)Start analysis of GPS observables in form of carrier phase
7Specifics of GPS signal (PDF)GPS codes on signals
8Pseudorange measurements (PDF)Pseudorange and phase measurements. The data file displayed in class is etab.plt.dat (TXT).
TEQC — The Toolkit for GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/SBAS Data
RINEX: The Receiver Independent Exchange Format Version 2 (TXT)
9Range and phase data (PDF)The data files displayed in class are ASCII tab delimited files: etab.02tab (TXT) etab.07tab (TXT) etab.11tab (TXT) etab.26tab (TXT) etab.28tab (TXT)
The following files are based on 2008 homework: data from base station with approximate XYZ coordinates
-2197259.2644 -4811601.7696 3552341.4441 (m)
Each file has a header line with column titles. All range and phase units are meters except as noted where range differences have been converted to L1 cycles.
base.02 (TXT) base.04 (TXT) base.05 (TXT) base.09 (TXT) base.12 (TXT) base.17 (TXT) base.28 (TXT) base.29 (TXT)
(Hint: If you want to check Homework #1, then compute the range to the satellite can compare with theoretical value in the etab.xxtab files.) The site coordinates are in the rinex header shown in Lecture 8.
Sources of GPS data (main archives)
10Estimation: introduction (PDF)Start estimation looking a parametric estimation methods
Data Analysis for Process Modeling
Least Squares Parameter Estimation (Regression Analysis)
11Statistical approach to estimation (PDF)Continue estimation now examining it from a statistical point of view
12Estimation: correlations (PDF)Statistical description of process noise in parameter values. The MATLAB program fogm.m (M) generates first-order Gauss Markov processes. (Note since the random number generator is not initialized, your results will differ from those in the class notes (Signal processing tool box is needed for the PSD calculation).
13Estimation (PDF)Kalman filter approach to estimation
14Propagation medium: propagation (PDF)Timing in GPS. Examine clock estimation.
Index of /~tah/MITClk
IGS Clock Products Working Group
IGS Time Scale
15Propagation medium: neutral atmosphere (PDF)Tropospheric delay estimation
The Height of the Tropopause
Effects of Tropospheric Mapping Functions on Space Geodetic Data (PDF - 1.0 MB)#
Vienna Mapping Functions 1 VMF1
16Propagation: ionospheric delay (PDF)Ionospheric delays
Sunspot Number Data via FTP from NGDC
Sunspot Numbers
17Basic antenna operation (PDF)Antennas and calibrations
GPS Antenna Calibration
AOAD/M_T Choke Ring GPS Antenna
SNR Analysis package
18Mathematical models in GPS (PDF)Class starts development of mathematical models needed for precise GPS positioning. In this class we look at solid-Earth tides, ocean-tidal loading and other types of loading effects. The following Fortran source code was discussed in the lecture earth_tide.f (F) and gst_jd.f (F). For a complete bibliography of tidal effects see: International Center for Earth Tides
19GPS models and processing (PDF)Models: rank deficiencies, ambiguity resolution and differencing methods
20Processing software (PDF)Processing software:
Power Point slides from GAMIT/GLOBK Workshops, Sofia and Pamplona
GAMIT/GLOBK Web Tutorial
21GPS groups/IGS (PDF)

GPS data availability and site locations
International GNSS Service
International GNSS Service - All world map (PNG)

Bay Area Regional Deformation Network
Pacific Northwest Geodetic Array
Basin and Range Geodetic Network

Permanent GPS Site Arrays
GPS Time Series
Daily SCIGN GPS Analysis - USGS Pasadena

22Kinematic GPS (PDF)Kinematic GPS processing and results from experiment earlier in semester
Help file for GAMIT track program
Results from MIT survey
track_LC.out (TXT)
track.NEU.rovr.LC (TXT)
track.NEU.rovr.L1+L2 (TXT)
23Application areas and GPS results (PDF - 7.0 MB)
24Applications and examples (PDF - 7.1 MB)Lectures 23 and 24 cover applications to tectonic problems
Tools mentioned in last lecture and used to generate some of the figures.


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