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Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

Special software is required to use some of the files in this section: .m, .f.

1Introduction and Coordinate Systems(PDF)
2Definitions of the Types of Latitude and Longitude; Mathematical Relationship Between These and Cartesian XYZ; Motion of the Rotation Axis, Which Affects Determination of Latitude and Longitude(PDF)

XYZ to Lat/Long/Height

Geodetic Datums

Moments of Inertia

International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service
3Height Definitions, Methods for Determining Heights, Spirit Leveling and Trigonometric Leveling; Geoid Heights and Their Determination(PDF)NGS Geoid Site

Spherical Trigonometry

Derivations and Examples

(PDF)Spherical Trigonometry
5Determination of Latitude and Longitude Using Astronomical Methods(PDF)Equation of Time
6Almanacs in Paper and Electronic Form(PDF)

Rise, Set, and Twilight Definitions

Inconstant Moon

US Naval Observatory Astronomical Data Services

Web Version of MICA

Navigator Light

The Online Nautical Almanac
7Dead Reckoning and Sextants(PDF)

The Road to the Magnetic North Pole

Field Lines for a Magnetic Dipole


Bowditch -The American Practical Navigator
This is the classic navigation text.

How to Read Vernier Calipers

8Review of Linear Algebra Covering Vectors and Matrices, Solving Linear Equations, Vector Spaces, Eigenvalues and Vectors, Rotation Matrices(PDF)Square Matrix (M)
9Sextant Measurements(PDF)
10Map Projections of Different Types and The Mathematics Behind Some Projections(PDF)


Map Projection Overview

Round Earth, Flat Maps

Map Projection
11Statistics and Propagation of Variance-covariance Matrices(PDF)
12Estimation of Over-determined, Nearly Linear Systems Including Least and Weighted Least Squares(PDF)
13Examined HW 02 Solution and the Non-Linear Model That Can be Used to Represent the Measurements Taken(PDF)
14Finish Estimation With Sequential Estimation and Error Ellipses; Examine Correlations Between Random Time Series(PDF)The time series and correlation values plotted in this lecture were generated with cross.f (F)

Electromagnetic Distance Measurement (EDM)

Conventional Instruments and Theory of Their Operation

16GPS Pseudo-range Measurements and Basic Principles of GPS(PDF)

We use the following Matlab files in this lecture:

GPSSim.m (M)

xcor.m (M)

17GPS Signal Tracking, Orbit Geometry, Specific Signal Structure, Phase Measurements and Data(PDF)
18GPS Pseudo Range and Phase measurements, basic processing methods, Dilution of Precision Measures(PDF)
19Atmosphere Delay Effects(PDF)

The Height of the Tropopause

Sky Plots of Phase Residuals by Site has comparisons of NCEP and GPS estimates of atmospheric delays under the Atmosphere link.

20Ionosphere and Dispersive GPS Delay Correction(PDF)
21Satellite Orbit Representation and Sources of Information about Orbits(PDF)

GPS Interface Control Document (PDF)#

RINEX: The Receiver Independent Exchange Format

IGS Products


Basics of Hand Held GPS Receivers

Class Outside Using GPS

23Applications of GPS(PDF)

GPS Applications Exchange

GPS World

GAMIT/GLOBK Matlab Tools

Southern California Integrated GPS Network (SCIGN)


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