
Interactive and Non-Linear Narrative: Theory and Practice >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1Introductory Lecture: Pulp Fictions
2Borges, Wright and Pearce, Janet Murray: Three Important Thinkers/Authors on the Structure of Non-Linear NarrativeSupplementary lecture by Cory Doctorow
3President's Day: No Class
4MetamediaGuest lecture by Kurt Fendt

Class presentation: Assignment 1, written non-linear narrative

Break into work groups for semester-long game play
5Games People PlayClass presentation: Assignment 1, written non-linear narrative (cont.)

Filmstrip. Gilliam, Terry. Twelve Monkeys, 1995.
6Final Cut Lab SessionClass meets at the MIT New Media Center
7Cybernetics and FeedbackClass presentation: Assignment 2, audiovisual non-linear narrative
8Mobile Media
9Patriot's Day: No Class
10Rules of Play / ARGClass presentation: Assignment 3, game diary

Filmstrip. Marker, Chris. La Jetée, 1962.
11Ubiquitous ComputingGuest Lecture by David Mindell

Class presentation: Assignment 4, game chart
12ICA Living in Motion: Design and Architecture for Flexible Dwelling Class Field Trip: ICA Boston
13Final Project PresentationsClass presentation: Assignment 5, final media project
14Final Project Presentations


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