
Manufacturing System and Supply Chain Design >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1Introduction and Course OverviewPrepare case: Use of a Queueing Model to design a lean system.

Case illustrates use of simple model to line design decisions.
2Manufacturing System Design

Class will introduce and discuss key topics in manufacturing system design by means of an example: design of a PC production facility, including choice of assembly configuration, set up of material handling system, capacity sizing.
3Manufacturing System Design: Service SystemsPrepare case: Manzana Insurance-Fruitvale Branch
4Supply Chain Design I
5Manufacturing System Design: High volume automated lines - choice of buffers and buffer sizing

Guest speaker: Dr. Mitchell Burman, Analytics, Inc. Boston MA. In this class we will hear about various projects on the analysis and design of automated production lines with finite buffers.
Queuing Modeling Assignment due
6Supply Chain Design II
7Decentralized Distribution Systems
8Revenue ManagementPrepare case: Transportation National Group

Case examines pricing issues for trailers.
9Guest Speaker
10Pricing Strategies
11Design of a Supply Chain for a New ProductLogistic System Design Assignment due
12Guest Speaker: Mike Romeri, Lead Director, Process Technology Group at PRTM
13Flexibility and Capacity PlanningPrepare case: Seagate Technologies: Operational Hedging

Case illustrates capacity hedging strategies.
14Internet Based B2B Procurement StrategiesProcurement Game Assignment due
15Flexibility and Capacity PlanningComputer exercise

Capacity Planning and Flexibility Assignment due
16Class Summary and Wrap Up


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