
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry III >> Content Detail



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Recommended Textbooks

The following texts are strongly recommended as they provide a helpful background for the topics covered in class:

Amazon logo Greenwood, Norman, and A. Earnshaw. Chemistry of Elements. Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science, 1997. ISBN: 9780750633659.

Amazon logo Bader, Richard F. Atoms in Molecules: A Quantum Theory. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, Inc., 1994. ISBN: 9780198558651.

Class Work and Exams

In addition to lecture topics, problems will be presented to students in class for group problem solving sessions. There are no formal homework assignments. For Exam 2, students are required to give an oral presentation worth 20% of their grade. There are two additional exams - one is an in-class exam, and the other is in take-home format.


Exam 1 (In-class)20%
Exam 2 (Oral Presentation)20%
Exam 3 (Take-home)20%
Class Participation (Discussion, Questions, Problem Solving)40%


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