
Psychology of Gender >> Content Detail

Study Materials


The readings listed below provide the foundation of this course.
Required Texts
Clinchy, B. M., and J. K. Norem, eds. The Gender and Psychology Reader. NY: New York University Press, 1998.

Halpern, D. F. Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities. 3rd ed. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2000.

Maccoby, E. E. The Two Sexes: Growing Up Apart, Coming Together. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998.

Recommended Texts
Anderson, E. Code of the Street. NY: Norton, 1999.

Booth, A., and A. Crouter, eds. Men in Families. NJ: Erlbaum, 1998.

Brown, L. M. Raising their Voices: The Politics of Girls' Anger. Cambridge: Harvard, 1998.

Colapinto, J. As Nature Made Him. NY: Harper Collins, 2000.

Etzokowitz, H., et. al. Athena Unbound: The Advancement of Women in Science and Technology. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Folbre, N. The Invisible Heart: Economics and Family Values. NY: New Press, 2001.

Hochschild, A. R. The Second Shift. NY: Avon, 1989.

Keller, E. F. Reflections on Gender and Science. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985.

———. A Feeling for the Organism: The Life and Work of Barbara McClintock. NY: W. H. Freeman, 1983.

LeVay, S. Queer Science: The Use and Abuse of Research into Homosexuality. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1996.

Maddox, B. Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA. NY: Harper Collins, 2002.

McGrayne, S. B. Nobel Prize Women in Science. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: Joseph Henry Press, 1998.

Pollack, W. Real Boys: Rescuing our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood. NY: Random House, 1998.

———. Real Boys' Voices. NY: Random House, 2000.

Tolman, D. Dilemmas of Desire: Teenage Girls Talk about Sexuality. Cambridge: Harvard, 2002.

Wilson, W. J. When Work Disappears: The World of the New Urban Poor. NY: Knopf, 1996.

Methods and Methodological Issues

Brown, L. S. "New Voices, New Visions: Toward a Lesbian/Gay Paradigm for Psychology." Chap. 9 in GPR. 1989, pp. 167-177.

Eagley, A. H. "On Comparing Women and Men." Chap. 8 in GPR. 1994, pp. 159-164.

Fausto-Sterling, A. "The Five Sexes." Chap. 11 in GPR. 1993, pp. 221-227.

Halpern, D. "Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities" (Chap. 1), and "Searching for sex differences.." (Chap. 2). In Introduction and Overview. Pp. 1-34, 35-78.

Hare-Mustin, R. T., and Maracek, J. "The Meaning of Difference." Chap. 7 in GPR. 1988, pp.125-139.

Rigor, S. "Epistemological Debates, Feminist Voices." Chap. 2 in GPR. 1992, pp. 34-48.

West, C., and Zimmerman, D. H. "Doing Gender." Chap. 6 in GPR. 1987, pp. 104-121.

Zucker, K. J. "Biological Influences on Psychosexual Differentiation." Chap. 7 in The Handbook of the Psychology of Women and Gender. Edited by R. K. Unger. NY: Wiley, 2001, pp. 101-115.

Immutable Differences?

Buss, D. M. "Psychological Sex Differences: Origins Through Sexual Selection." Chap. 12 in GPR. 1995, pp. 228-234.

Halpern, D. "Empirical Evidence for Cognitive Sex Differences." Chap. 3, pp. 79-130.

Hrdy, S. "Raising Darwin's Consciousness: Females and Evolutionary Theory." Chap. 14 in GPR. 1988, pp. 265-271.

Martin, J. "Epistemological Essentialism, False Difference, and Other Dangerous Traps." Chap. 1 in GPR. 1994, pp. 10-30.

Summarizing the Case for Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities

Eccles, J. S., et. al. "Gender Role Stereotypes, Expectancy Effects and Parents' Socialization of Gender Differences." Chap. 38 in GPR. 1990, pp. 721-735.

Halpern, D. "Biological Hypotheses Part I: Genes and Hormones" (Chap. 4), and "Biological Hypotheses Part II: Brains, Evolutionary Pressures, and Brain-Behavior Relationship" (Chap.5). Pp. 131-182, 183-228.

The Social Construction of Gender: Practice and Discourse

Brown, L. M. Raising Their Voices... 1998, pp. 1-126.

Cowan, P. A., C. P. Cowan, and P. K. King. "Mothers, Fathers, Sons and Daughters: Gender Differences in Family Functions and Parenting Style." In Family, Self and Society. Edited by P. A. Cowan, et. al. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1993, pp. 165-196.

Greenberg, Julie A. "Defining Male and Female: Intersexuality and the Collision between Law and Biology." Arizona Law Review 4 (1999): 265-327.

Pollack, W. S. Real Boys' Voices. Part 1, pp. 1-170, 2000.

Tolman, D. Dilemmas of Desire: Teenage Girls Talk about Sexuality. 2002.

Developmental Issues: Sex and Aggression

Maccoby, E. E. The Two Sexes: Growing Up Apart, Coming Together. 1998.

Parenting and Gendered Child Development

Espada, J. "The Puerto Rican Dummy and the Merciful Son." In Zapata's Disciple: Essays by Martin Espada. Boston: South End Press, 1998.

Halpern, D. "Psychosocial Hypotheses: Sex Role Stereotypes Through the Life Span" (Chap. 6), and "Psychosocial Hypotheses: Theoretical Perspectives for Understanding the Role of Psychosocial Variables" (Chap. 7). Pp. 229-276, 277-312.

Partnering: Marriage and Divorce

Anderson, E. "The Mating Game." Chap. 4 in Code of the Street. Pp. 142-178.

Hochschild, A. The Second Shift. NY: Avon, 1989.

Gottman, J. "Towards a Process Model of Men in Marriages and Families." In Men in Families. Edited by A. Booth, and A. Crouter. NJ: Erlbaum, 1998, pp. 149-192.

School Environments: How Schools are Short-Changing Girls...and Boys

Sommers, C. H. "The War Against Boys." The Atlantic Monthly. May 2000.

Pollack, W. "Schools: The Blackboard Jungle." In Real Boys: Rescuing our Sons From the Myths of Boyhood. NH: Random House, 1998, pp. 230-271.

Economics and Political Forces

Folbre, N. The Invisible Heart... 2001, pp. 11-83, 225-232.

Sattel, J. W. "Men, Inexpressiveness and Power." Chap. 26 in GPR. 1983, pp. 498-503. 

"A Study of Women Faculty in Science." MIT Faculty Newsletter 11, 4 (March 1999).

Wilson, W. J. "The Fading Inner City Family." Chap. 4 in When Work Disappears. NY: Knopf, 1996, pp. 87-110. 

Boo, K. "After Welfare: Does Work Make You a Better Mother?" NewYorker (April 9, 2001): 92-107.

Summing Up

Halpern, D. "Using a Psychobiosocial Perspective to Understand Cognitive Sex Differences." Chap. 8, pp. 313-334.



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