
Language Processing >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


Lec #TopicsKey DATES
1Course Overview

Experimental methods: self-paced reading, eye-tracking, event-related potentials, on-line lexical decision, cross-modal priming, brain scanning

Modularity in Sentence Comprehension

Lexical and structural theories of ambiguity resolution in sentence comprehension

The effects of plausibility, context and lexical frequency in on-line processing
2Resources and Sentence Complexity

The Complexity of Unambiguous Sentences

The Dependency Locality Theory
Short review paper 1 due
3Working Memory and Sentence Comprehension

Guest Lecturer: Evelina Fedorenko
4Resources and Ambiguity Resolution

The Serial / Parallel Question
5Experience / Frequency and Ambiguity ResolutionShort review paper 2 due
6Symbolic Computational Approaches to Language Parsing

Parsing Strategies

Shift-reduce Parsing
7Referential and Contextual Issues in Sentence Comprehension
8Event-related Potentials (ERPs) and Other Brain-imaging Methods Investigating Sentence ComprehensionShort paper 3 due
9Representational Issues in Syntax: Behavioral evidence for the existence of empty categories

Behavioral Evidence that English is Context-free
10Parallel Distributed Processing Models of Sentence ComprehensionShort paper 4 due
11Discourse Coherence

Guest Lecturer: Florian Wolf
12Prosodic Structure and Sentence ComprehensionFinal paper due three days after lecture 12


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