
Science and Engineering Writing for Phase II >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


This class meets six times as shown below. You will turn in 4 major writing assignments: both a rough and a final draft of a proposal and a report. Lesser homework will also be due as assigned in class.

1Introduction, the structure of documents.
2Grammar and style (homework due).
Last possible day to join the instructor's section of 21W.783.
Prior to class 3Draft proposal due.
3Proposal workshop (homework due).
Prior to class 4Final proposal due.
5Workshop (homework due).
Prior to class 6Draft report due.
6Oral presentations.
After class 6Final report due.


21W.783 is taught as a split class; after the initial meeting, the class is broken down into two sections that meet on alternate weeks. Oral presentations will occupy the final weeks of the semester.




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