
Writing and the Environment >> Content Detail

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Lec #TopicsKey dates
2Mairs, Nancy, "On Being a Scientific Booby," and John Muir, "3 Short Pieces." In Writing Nature.

Levi, Primo. "Carbon." In The Periodic Table.
Writing: Autobiographical sketch due at start of class
3Writing Worth Reading. pp. 66-68 and 193-194.

Lopez, Barry. "Gone Back into the Earth." In Crossing Open Ground.

Leopold, Aldo. "Thinking Like a Mountain." In Sand County Almanac.

Sample Student Narrative Essays
Writing: Exercise 1a due at start of class
4Thoreau, Henry David. "Brute Neighbors," Lewis Thomas, "Ponds," and Ursula LeGuin, "A Very Warm Mountain." In Writing Nature. In class: Return exercise 1a
5"Rhetoric: Writing about Personal Experience," David Quammen, "The Face of a Spider," and Alice Walker, "Am I Blue?" In Writing Nature. Writing: Exercise 1b due at start of class
6"Developing the Paragraph." In Writing Nature. Writing: First version of essay #1 (5 copies) due at start of class
7"Case Study: A Student's Personal Essay." In Writing Worth Reading.

In class: Essay Workshop
Writing: Written comments (2 copies) due at start of class
8In class: "Cadillac Desert." (Video)Writing: Final version of essay #1 due at start of class
9"Arguing." In Writing Nature and Selections from Conflicts of Interest. Writing: Exercise 2a due (3 days after lecture 9)
10Ward, Diane Raines. "Sweet Water." In Water Wars.

Stegner, Wallace. "Glen Canyon Submersus." In The Sound of Mountain Water.

McPhee, John. Excerpt from Encounter with the Archdruid.

In class: "Cadillac Desert." (Video)
11Opposing Points of View on Specific Water Conflict

Writing Worth Reading. pp. 428-430.

In class: Exercise Workshop
Writing: Exercise 2b (3 copies) due at start of class
12Writing Nature. pp. 541-560.

"Las Vegas, A Guilty Pleasure." (Sample Student Essay)

Writing Worth Reading. pp. 114-131 and 91-98.
In class: Exercise 2b returned
13"Making the Argument." In Writing Worth Reading. Writing: First version of essay #2 (5 copies) due at start of class
14In class: Essay WorkshopWriting: Written comments (2 copies) due at start of class
15Bring in list of ideas for research essay

In class: Library Session
Final version of essay #2 due (1 day after lecture 15)
16Carson, Rachel. Silent Spring. pp. 1-127.

In class: Student-led discussion of chapters in Silent Spring
17Writing Worth Reading. Skim pp. 333-352.

Read "Reading and Taking Notes." In Writing Worth Reading.

Independent research for your own paper
Writing: Exercise 3a due at start of class

Bring in copy of article or chapter (see ex. assignment)
18"Documenting your Sources," and "Suggesting Recurrent Themes." In Writing Worth Reading.

"Vanishing Frogs." (Sample Student Essay)

Research for your own paper

In class: Discussion of Plagiarism
Writing: Exercise 3b due at start of class

Bring in copy of second article or chapter
19Stewart, Meg. "Dredging to Keep New York-New Jersey Harbor Alive." In The Earth Around Us.

Research for your own paper

In class: Oral Presentations
Writing: Exercise 3c due at start of class
20Research for your own paper

"Writing a First Draft." In Writing Worth Reading.

In class: Oral Presentations
In class: Exercise 3c returned
21Research for your own paper

Carson, Rachel. Silent Spring. pp. 276-297.

In class: Oral Presentations
22In class: Oral PresentationsWriting: First version of paper #3 (5 copies) due at start of class
23In class: Essay WorkshopWriting: Written comments (2 copies) due at start of class
24In class: Introduction Revision WorkshopWriting: Bring revised introduction (at least first full page) for essay #3 (2 copies)

Final version of essay #3 due (1 day after lecture 24)
25In class: Style Revision WorkshopWriting: Bring in one-page segment of essay #1 or #2 (2 copies)
26In class: Reading and Listening to Favorite Works

Celebrating the successful completion of 21W.730
Writing: Optional revision of earlier paper due at start of class


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