
Urban Transportation, Land Use, and the Environment >> Content Detail

Study Materials


Reading Materials and Topics
Note: ** Denotes Required Reading

Part I.

The principal texts used in Part I for this course will be:

World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Mobility 2001:World Mobility at the End of the 20th Century and Its Sustainability, 2001. Especially Chapter 4.

World Bank. “17 October Draft of Policy Document.” In Cities on the Move. 2001.

Vasconcellos. “Urban Transport, Environment and Equity: The Case for Developing Countries.” London: Earthscan, 2001.

Class 1. Cities & Transportation in the Development Context

**WBCSD (World mobility at the end of the twentieth century and its sustainability). 2001, pp. 1-5 – 1-7, 2-1 – 2-9,  4-1 – 4-10.

**World Bank. A World Bank Urban Transport Strategy Review, 2001: 5-16, 25-29.

**Willoughby . “World Bank Working Paper.” Managing Motorization, (2000): 1-14.

**Ingram. “Patterns of Metropolitan Development: What Have We Learned?.” In World Bank Working paper.

** Schafer and Victor. “The Past and Future of Global Mobility.” In Scientific American. October 1997.

**Handy, S. “Nothing a Little Accessibility Couldn’t Cure.” Highway Blues Access, No. 5, 3-7.

**Crane, R. “The Influence of Urban Form on Travel: An Interpretive Review.” Journal of Planning Literature 15, No. 1 (August 2000): 3-23.

**Levine, J. “Access to Choice.” Access, No.14 (1999): 16-19.

Onursal, B. & S. Gautum. “Vehicular Air Pollution: Experiences from Seven Latin American Urban Centers.” In World Bank Technical Paper No. 373, 1997, 1–13.

Pickrell, D. “Transportation And Land Use.” In Essays in Transportation. Chapter 12, 1999.

Economics and Policy. Brookings , DC , pp. 403-435.

Gakenheimer, R. “Urban Mobility In The Developing World.Transportation Research Part A 33 (1999): 671-689.

Vasconcellos, E. “The Demand for Cars in Developing Countries.” Transportation Research A 31, No. 3(1997): 245-258.

Ingram, G.K. and Z. Liu. “Undated.” In Determinants of Motorization and Road Provision.
World Bank Working Paper.

Schafer. “Regularities In Travel Demand.” In Journal of Transportation Statistics. December 2000.

Vasconcellos E. Mobility. “ Urban Transport, Environment and Equity: The Case for Developing Countries.” Chapter 13, London: Earthscan, 2001, 166-178.

Class 2. Transportation and Sustainability: Economic, Environment and Social


**WBCSD (World mobility at the end of the twentieth century and its sustainability), pp. 1-7 – 1-15, 4-11 – 4-18.

**World Bank. A World Bank Urban Transport Strategy Review, pp. 41-47, 67-71, 75-78, 2001.

**Willoughby , pp. 20, 26-28, 31-34, 52-55 (appendix on measuring congestionexternality).

**Onursal and Gautum. pp. 21-25 (quantification of pollutants).

**Vasconcellos, E. “The Urban Transportation Crisis In Developing Countries: Alternative Policies For An Equitable Space.” World Transport Policy and Practice 3, No. 3 (1997): 4-10.

Kenworthy, J. and F. Laube. “Patterns Of Automobile Dependence In Cities: An International Overview Of Key Physical And Economic Dimensions With Some Implications For Urban Policy.” Transportation Research Part A 33 (1999): 691-723.

World Bank.  Sustainable Transport: Priorities for Policy Reform. pp. 28-32, 33-84, 1996.

Dupuy, G. “From the “Magic Circle To Automobile Dependence: Measurements And Political Implications.” In Transport Policy 6, 1999, 1–17 (read 1-12).

Onursal and Gautum, pp. 15-21, 25-37. (Additional detail on pollutants and their effects).

Class 3. Strategies, Options & Examples


**WBCSD (World mobility at the end of the twentieth century and its sustainability). pp. 4-18 – 4-30.

**Willoughby . “World Bank working paper.” In  Managing Motorization. 20-37, 47-51.

Vasconcellos. pp. 244-250, 264-278.

Cervero, R. The Transit Metropolis. pp. 62-83, 1998.

On-Line TDM Encyclopedia

**World Bank. A World Bank Urban Transport Strategy Review, pp. 47-54, 57-66, 2001.

Faiz, A., C. Weaver, M. Walsh, S. Gautum, and L.M. Chan. “Air Pollution From Motor Vehicles: Standards And Technologies For Controlling Emissions.” World Bank, Chapters 3-5, 1996.

Onursal, B. and S. Gautum. pp. 55-106, 1997.

Roadway Specific

**World Bank. A World Bank Urban Transport Strategy Review, pp. 81-96, 2001.

**Noland, R.B.. “Relationships Between Highway Capacity And Induced Vehicle Travel.” Transportation Research Part A 35 (2001): 47-53, 67-71.

Samuel, P. “There is Light at the End of the Congestion Tunnel.” Innovation Briefs 13, No. 1 (Jan/Feb 2002): 1-2.

Road-Based Public Transport Management

**World Bank. A World Bank Urban Transport Strategy Review, pp. 97-113.

Bus Priority

**World Bank. A World Bank Urban Transport Strategy Review, 2001, pp. 115-130.

Meirelles, A. “A Review Of Bus Priority Systems In Brazil : From Bus Lanes To Busway Transit.”   Presented at SMART URBAN TRANSPORT CONFERENCE, 2000.

Fulton, L. “Sustainable Transport: New Insights From The IEA’s Worldwide Transit Study.” International Energy Agency, paper prepared for COP 7.

United States General Accounting Office. MASS TRANSIT: Bus Rapid Transit Shows Promise.

Curitiba , and R.Cervero. The Transit Metropolis, Island Press, pp. 265-296.
Plumbe, T. Curitiba: A Replicable Best Practice?
Curitiba  web site:

Bogota , Ardila, and Menckhoff. Transportation Policies in Bogota: Building a Transportation System for the People. To be presented at TRB, 2001.

Metros and other Rail Transit

**World Bank. A World Bank Urban Transport Strategy Review, 2001, pp. 115-130.

Mitric, S. “Approaching Metros As Potential Development Projects.” World Bank Working Paper TWU-28, especially pp. 20-22, 1997.

Halcrow Fox in association with Traffic and Transport Consultants. Mass Rapid Transit in Developing Countries: Final Report, July 2000.

Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Building Healthier Neighborhoods with Metrorail: Improving Joint Development Opportunities 2001.

Para Transit

**Cervero. "Para Transit: The Gap Fillers." Habitat Debate 4, no. 2 (1998).

Non-Motorized Transport

**World Bank. A World Bank Urban Transport Strategy Review, 2001, pp. 131-140.

I-CE. “The Significance Of Non-Motorized Transport For Developing Countries: Strategies For Policy Development.” Paper prepared for World Bank, 2000.

Congestion Pricing

**World Bank. A World Bank Urban Transport Strategy Review, 2001, pp. 142-145.

Mohring, H. “Congestion.” In Essays in Transportation Economics. Chapter 6, Brookings, 1999, 181- 187, 193-198.

Hau, T. “Economic Fundamentals Of Road Pricing: A Diagrammatic Analysis.” World Bank Working Paper (1992).

Car Sharing

Zegras, C., and R. Gakenheimer. “Car Sharing Organizations In Latin America : Examining Prospects For Santiago .” In Working Paper for the Cooperative Mobility Program.

Orski, K. “Car Sharing Revisited." Innovation Briefs, Vol. 13, no. 1 (Jan/Feb 1999): 1-2.

Information and Communication Technologies – ITS and Telecommuting
Sussman, J. "Regional ITS Architecture Consistency: What Should It Mean?." In ITS Quarterly, Fall 1999.

Sussman, J. “Mega-cities in Developing Countries -- a Major ITS Market for the Future.” In ITS Quarterly, Fall 2000.

Land Use

**World Bank. A World Bank Urban Transport Strategy Review, 2001, 16-21.

**Willoughby . “World Bank Working Paper.” In Managing Motorization. 37-43.

**Bernick, M., and R. Cervero. “The Built Environment And The Demand For Transit.”  In Transit Villages in the 21st Century. Chapter 4, McGraw-Hill, 1997, 73-102.

Downs , A. “Can Transit Tame Sprawl?” In Governing Magazine. January 2002.

Cervero, R., and K. Kockelman. “Travel Demand And The Three D’s: Density, Diversity And Design.” Transportation Research D 2, no. 3 (1997): 199-219.

Class 4. Regional Strategic Transportation Planning

Regional Governance/Regional Architectures

**Lefevre, C. “Metropolitan government and governance in western countries: a critical review.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 22, No. 1 (1998): 9-25.

**World Bank. A World Bank Urban Transport Strategy Review, 2001, 161-176.

**Vasconcellos, E. “The Institutional Issue.” Urban Transport, Environment And Equity: The Case For Developing Countries. Chapter 8, London: Earthscan, 2001, pp. 84-95.

Lee, R.W., and C.R. Rivasplata. “Metropolitan Transportation Planning In The 1990s: Comparisons And Contrasts In New Zealand , Chile and California .” Transport Policy 8, (2001): 47-61.

The World Bank. “Approaches To Urban Transportation Planning.” In Sustainable Transport: Priorities for Policy Reform, 1996, 85-101.

**Dimitriou. “The Urban Transport Planning Process: Its Evolution And Application To Third World Cities.”  In Transport Planning for Third World Cities. Chapter 5, Edited by Dimitriou and Banjo. 1990, 144-177.

**Malbrán, H. “Urban Transport Planning And Models In Latin America : Perspectives From The Chilean Experience.” Working Paper for International Institute for Energy Conservation (1994).

**Vasconcellos, E. “The Technical Issue: Traditional Transport Planning.”  In Urban Transport, Environment and Equity: The Case for Developing Countries. Chapter 9, London: Earthscan, 96-110.

Beimborn, E., and R. Kennedy, and W. Schaefer. “Inside The Black Box: Making Transportation Models Work For Livable Communities.” Citizens for a Better Environment and the Environmental Defense Fund. Ampt, E. and JdD Ortuzar.

Best Practice in State-of-the-Art Ongoing Travel Surveys. Working Paper, 2001.

Dimitriou. “Transport Problems of Third World Cities.” Transport Planning for Third World Cities.  Edited by Dimitriou and Banjo. Chapter 2 (1990): 66-81.

Regional Strategic Transportation Planning

**Sussman, J., and C. Conklin. “Regional Strategies For The Sustainable Intermodal Transportation Enterprise (ReS/SITE): Five Years Of Research.” In Transportation Research Record 1747, 2001, 53-59.

Zegras, C., and J. Sussman, and C. Conklin. “Scenario Planning: A Proposed Approach for Strategic Regional Transportation Planning.” Paper presented at Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (2002).

Sussman, J., and T. Pendleton. “Regional Architectures: Strengthening the Transportation Planning Process.” In Transportation Research Record 1679 (1999).

Evaluation – Methods

**Won, J. “Multicriteria Evaluation Approaches to Urban Transportation Projects.” Urban Studies  27, no. 1 (1990): 119-138.

**Small, K. “Project Evaluation.”  In Essays in Transportation Economics, 137-177.

**Ewing , R. “Measuring Transportation Performance.” Transportation Quarterly 49, no. 1 (1995): 91-104. (don’t have copy).

Johnston and DeLucchi. “Evaluation Methods for Rail Transit Projects.” Transportation Research A.Politics, Planning and Implementation.

**Vasconcellos, E. “The Political Issue: Agents In Urban Transport Policy.” In Urban Transport, Environment and Equity: The Case for Developing Countries. Chapter 7, London: Earthscan, 2001, 75-83.

Ardila, A. How Transportation Planning Influences Decision-Making: Lessons from San Juan and Bogota . Paper Presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning 43rd Annual Conference, Cleveland , OH , 2001.

Ardila, A., and F. Salvucci. Planning Large Transportation Projects: A Six-Stage Model. Presented at Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.

Ardila, A.  A Tale of Two Plans: The Determinants of Plan Implementation. Presented at Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2002.


**World Bank. A World Bank Urban Transport Strategy Review, 2001, pp. 141-159.

**Willoughby . “World Bank Working Paper.” In Managing Motorization, 43-46.

**D. Rodriguez. “Expanding The Urban Transportation Infrastructure Through Concession Agreements: Lessons From Latin America .” In Transportation Research Record 1659, 1999, 3-10.

Menckhoff, G., and C. Zegras. Experiences and Issues in Urban Transport Infrastructure Concessions. World Bank Working Paper, TWU-38, Washington DC : August 1999.

Rebelo, J.,  and P. Machado. The São Mateus-Jabaquara Trolleybusway Concession in Brazil. World Bank Working Paper.

Rebelo, J.  Reforming the Urban Transport Sector in the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region: A Case Study on Concessions. World Bank Working Paper.

Part II. The Case Studies

Mexico City

Zegras, C., and J. Makler, and R. Gakenheimer, and A. Howitt, and J. Sussman. “Metropolitan Mexico City Mobility And Air Quality." Paper prepared for the MIT Integrated Program on Urban, Regional And Global Air Pollution and the Cooperative Mobility Program.

Cervero, The Transit Metropolis, Island Press, 1998, 379-400.

Onursal and Gautum, 125-156.

Davis , D. "Urban leviathan :Mexico City in the twentieth century." Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 1994.

Eskeland, G.,  and T. Feyzioglu. “Is Demand For Polluting Goods Manageable? An Econometric Study Of Car Ownership And Use In Mexico .” Journal of Development Economics 53a, 1997.

Eskeland, G., and T. Feyzioglu. “Rationing Can Backfire: The ‘Day without a Car’ in Mexico City .” The World Bank Economic Review 11, no. 3 (1997b).

Eskeland, G., and Jian Xie. “Acting Globally While Thinking Locally: Is The Global Environment Protected By Transport Emission Control Programs?” Ward, John Wiley & Sons Peter: Mexico City : West Sussex , UK , August 1998.

Riveros, and H. E. Cabrera, and P. Ovalle. “Vehicle Inspection And Maintenance And Air Pollution In Mexico City .” Transportation Research Part D, no. 7 (2002): 73-80.

Villegas A. “Socioeconomic Characteristics, Land Use And Travel Patterns Of Mexico City .” In Urban Public Transportation Systems: Implementing Efficient Urban Transit Systems and Enhancing Transit Usage.  Edited by Bondada Murthy. Reston , VA , (2000).

Villegas A. “Urban Public Transportation And Operations In Mexico City .”   In Urban Public Transportation Systems: Implementing Efficient Urban Transit Systems and Enhancing Transit Usage. Edited by Bondada Murthy. Reston , VA , (2000).


Zegras, C., and R. Gakenheimer. Urban Growth Management for Mobility: The  Case of the Santiago , Metropolitan Region. Prepared for the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the Cooperative Mobility Program (2000).

Onursal and Gautum, pp. 157-182.

Dourthé, A., and H. Malbrán, and M. Wityk. “Santiago de Chile’s Experience with the Regulation of the Public Transport Market.” Paper prepared for the 79th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, DC, January 2000.

Ducci , M.E.  “The Principle Urban Struggles of the Third Millennium.” In Urban Governance Around the World. Edited by Ruble, Stren, Tulchin, Varat. Chapter 8, Woodrow  Wilson  International  Center  for Scholars, Comparative Urban Studies Project, Washington , DC , 2001, 153-186.

Zegras, C. “The Costs Of transportation In Santiago De Chile: Analysis And Policy Implications.” Transport Policy, (Winter1998), 9-21.

Kain, J., and Z. Liu. “Efficiency and Locational Consequences of Government Transport Policies and Spending in Chile .” Paper prepared for the International Seminar: Política Urbanay Regional: Un Desafío y un Compromiso. Santiago , 11-12 May.

Ortuzar, JdD, and A. Iacobelli, and C. Valeze. “Estimating Demand For A Cycle-way Network.” Transportation Research Part A 34, (2000): 353-373.



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